Fig. 6. Mitochondrial nonstop mRNAs impair translation termination and act as a negative regulator of protein synthesis.
(A) Frequency distribution of the 3′ end of mRNAs deep sequenced from mitochondrial ribosomes. (B) Frequency histograms of the mapped 3′ nt position of mRNAs on the mitochondrial ribosome not polyadenylated. nc, noncoding. (C) Schematic of mRNAs with flanking tRNA sequence; *in-frame stop codon. (D) In vitro translation termination assay with DHFR as the mRNA template. Release factors (RF) 1 to 3. (E) Schematic of chimeric DHFR-ND1 or ND3 transcripts. (F) In vitro translation termination assay using the indicated mRNA templates from (D). (G) Nonstop mRNAs for transcripts deep sequenced from mitochondrial ribosomes of cultured human fibroblasts with the indicated genotypes. Means ± SD, n = 3. (H) Total nonstop mRNAs sequenced from mitochondrial ribosomes. a.u., arbitrary units.