Table 2.
Description of Conexiones sessions.
Session 1: Anchoring yourself so you can help your child (Buscando estabilidad para que puedas ayudar a tu niño/a) |
Session 1 guides a mother to be a more attentive listener to her child, helping her to understand her child’s experience with the cancer from the child’s perspective. This session also adds to the mother’s self-care skills to help reduce her stress levels and teaches her new ways to manage her own cancer-related emotions. This way she will be less likely to overwhelm her child with her emotions. |
Session 2: Adding to your listening skills (Agregando a tus habilidades de escuchar) |
Session 2 helps a mother develop skills to listen attentively to her child while they share their thoughts and feelings with her. These listening skills can be used to complement the mother’s other parenting roles (e.g., teacher, comforter, problem solver). It also helps nurture the connection between the mother and her child. |
Session 3: Checking in with your child about the cancer (Enterándote de lo que tu hijo/a piensa y siente sobre el cáncer) |
Session 3 adds to a mother’s abilities to assist and encourage her child in describing their worries or feelings about the cancer, even if she has a quiet child. |
Session 4: Being a detective of how your child copes (Siendo una detective de cómo enfrenta tu hijo/a al cáncer) |
Session 4 helps a mother discover the ways her child copes with the cancer. The exercises help her avoid negative assumptions about her child’s behavior related to her cancer. She also learns strategies to assist her child in coping with the mother’s cancer. |
Session 5: Celebrating your success (Celebrando tu éxito) |
This session helps a mother review everything she learned in the prior sessions. She is asked to describe the skills that were most helpful in guiding her child on the topic of cancer. These activities increase the mother’s confidence in parenting her child. The session also helps her identify resources she can use after finishing the program. |