TEM analysis of intracellular metallic nanoparticles in vitro. Morphology of intracellular Co, Cr and Ti nanoparticles phagocytosed by human THP-1 macrophages over 48 h in vitro (A–C with insets) and Balb/C mouse macrophages after 7 days exposure in vivo (D–H). A. Co globular nanoparticles (magnification in inset); B. Cr agglomerates/aggregates of nanoparticles in large clusters (magnification in inset); C, agglomerates/aggregates of Ti nanoparticles with crystal-like shape (magnification in inset); D and E, the combination of Co/Cr/Ti shows complex agglomerates/aggregates of nanoparticles in lysosomes. F, crystal-like and globular nanoparticles; G, agglomerates/aggregates of globular nanoparticles of variable electron density; H, large agglomerates/aggregates of nanoparticles forming a rod-like structure (arrow). Nu, cell nuclei. Ly (NPs), lysosomes containing metallic nanoparticles. Scale bars: A1, B1, C1 = 1 μm.