Table 1.
No | Ref. No | Author/year | Country | Sample size | Study design | Population | Tools | CCAT score |
1 | [11] | Yount, Zebrak, Famolaro, Sorra and Birch, 2020 | US | 15,726 | Quantitative | Providers and staffs | NHSPSC | 39 (98%) |
2 | [12] | Li et al., 2019 | US | 818 | Quantitative | Administrators, directors of nursing, and unit leaders | NHSPSC | 37 (93%) |
3 | [13] | Smith et al., 2018 | US | 196 | Quantitative | Facility staffs | NHSPSC | 39 (98%) |
4 | [15] | Temkin-Greener et al., 2020 | US | 818 | Quantitative | Facility administrators, directors of nursing, and unit nursing leaders | NHSPSC | 39 (98%) |
5 | [16] | Bondevik et al., 2017 | Norway | 463 | Quantitative | Healthcare providers | SAQ-AV | 38 (95%) |
6 | [21] | Bonner, Castle, Men and Handler, 2009 | US | 1579 | Quantitative | CNAs | HSOPSC | 40 (100%) |
7 | [22] | Castle and Sonon, 2006 | US | 2717 | Quantitative | Administrators | HSOPSC | 40 (100%) |
8 | [25] | Laura M Wagner, Brush, Castle, Engberg and Capezut, 2020 | US | 1133 | Quantitative | RNs and licensed practical/vocational nurses | NHSPSC | 38 (95%) |
9 | [26] | Teigne et al., 2019 | France | 2020 | Quantitative | All salaried professionals | NHSPSC | 40 (100%) |
10 | [27] | Castle, Wagner, Perera, Ferguson and Handler, 2010 | US | 3698 | Quantitative | Administrator/manager, licensed nurse, nurse aide, direct care staff, and support staff | NHSPSC | 39 (98%) |
11 | [28] | Castle, Wagner, Perera, Ferguson and Handler, 2009 | US | 112,319 | Quantitative | Staffs | NHSPSC | 39 (98%) |
12 | [29] | Orth, Li, Simning, Zimmerman and Temkin-Greener, 2020 | US | 11,957 | Quantitative | Residents with dementia | NHSPSC | 39 (98%) |
13 | [30] | Seljemo, Viksveen and Ree, 2020 | Norway | 165 | Quantitative | Staff members | NHSPSC | 39 (98%) |
14 | [31] | Ree and Wiig, 2019 | Norway | 304 | Quantitative | Healthcare professionals | HSOPSC | 38 (95%) |
15 | [32] | He et al., 2020 | China | 549 | Quantitative | Staff members | HSOPSC | 39 (98%) |
16 | [33] | Arnetz et al., 2011 | US | 312 | Quantitative | Staff members | HSOPSC | 38 (95%) |
17 | [34] | Castle, 2006 | US | 1579 | Quantitative | Nurse aides | HSOPSC | 39 (98%) |
18 | [35] | Wagner, Capezuti and Rice, 2009 | US | 551 | Quantitative | Licensed nurses | HSOPSC | 38 (95%) |
19 | [36] | Castle et al., 2007 | US | 2840 | Quantitative | Administrators | HSOPSC | 39 (98%) |
20 | [37] | Handler et al., 2016 | US | 151 | Quantitative | Doctors, pharmacists, advanced practitioners, and nurses | HSOPSC | 39 (98%) |
21 | [38] | Wisniewski et al., 2007 | US | 51 | Quantitative | All nursing and allied health care staff | SAQ-SNF | 38 (95%) |
22 | [39] | Deilkas, Hofoss, Husebo and Bondevik, 2019 | Norway | 288 | Quantitative | RNs, nursing assistants, and health workers | SAQ -A | 36 (90%) |
23 | [40] | Gunnar Tschudi Bondevik, Hofoss, Husebø and Deilkås, 2019 | Norway | 266 | Quantitative | RNs and medical doctors | SAQ | 38 (95%) |
24 | [41] | Buljac-Samardzic et al., 2006 | Netherlands | 521 | Quantitative | Employees who provide direct care | SAQ | 37 (93%) |
25 | [42] | Halligan, Zecevic, Kothari, Salmoni and Orchard, 2014 | Canada | Focus groups:7, Surveys: 21 | Mixed methods | All frontline staff on the unit and management team | MSI | - |
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, CCAT Crowe Critical Appraisal Tool, CNA Certified nursing assistant, HSOPSC Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture, MSI Modified Stanford Patient Safety Culture Survey Instrument, NH Nursing home, NHSPSC Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture, RN Registered nurse, SAQ Safety Attitudes Questionnaire, SAQ-AV Ambulatory Version of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire, SAQ-SNF Safety Attitudes Questionnaire in a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)