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. 2022 Mar 18;5(11):e1613. doi: 10.1002/cnr2.1613


Factors associated with OS

All patients sorafenib lenvatinib
Univariate Multivariate Univariate Multivariate Univariate Multivariate
Factor HR(95% CI) p‐Value HR(95% CI) p‐Value HR(95% CI) p‐Value HR(95% CI) p‐Value HR(95% CI) p‐Value HR(95% CI) p‐Value
Female 1 1 1
Male 1.25(0.68–2.28) 0.47 1.24(0.6–2.42) 0.53 1.32(0.37–4.74) 0.67
75–79 1 1 1
≥80 1.26(0.72–2.2) 0.43 1.22(0.64–2.33) 0.55 1.11(0.38–3.27) 0.84
1/2 1 1 1
0 1.2(0.68–2.11) 0.54 0.98(0.49–1.97) 0.96 1.36(0.49–3.78) 0.56
Major vascular invasion
VP0/1/2 1 1 1
VP3/4 1.88(0.83–4.22) 0.13 2.01(0.77–5.28) 0.16 1.81(0.4–8.18) 0.44
Extrahepatic spread
Yes 1 1 1
No 0.97(0.55–1.71) 0.9 1.03(0.54–1.98) 0.92 1.16(0.33–4.12) 0.82
Modified ALBI grade
2b/3 1 1 1 1
1/2a 0.45(0.26–0.78) 0.0047 0.38(0.21–0.68) 0.0011 0.34(0.17–0.69) 0.0029 0.78(0.25–2.46) 0.67
mG8 score
≤10 1 1 1
≥11 0.60(0.34–1.05) 0.07 0.85(0.44–1.64) 0.63 0.31(0.11–0.89) 0.029 0.42(0.13–1.38) 0.15
Intrahepatic tumor volume
<50% 1 1 1 1
≥50% 3.31(1.47–7.45) 0.0038 2.80(1.16–6.76) 0.022 2.44(0.94–6.35) 0.067 13.6(2.19–84.3) 0.0051 16.7(1.71–163) 0.016
<400 mAU/mL 1 1 1 1
≥400 mAU/mL 2.23(1.28–3.89) 0.0047 2.08(1.15–3.75) 0.016 1.64(0.87–3.1) 0.13 4.99(1.36–18.3) 0.015 3.92(0.96–16) 0.057
<400 mAU/mL 1 1 1 1 1
≥400 mAU/mL 1.90(1.02–3.53) 0.042 1.12(0.58–2.19) 0.73 1.21(0.57–2.55) 0.63 4.61(1.37–15.5) 0.013 3.38(0.84–19.7) 0.031
Sorafenib 1
Lenvatinib 0.69(0.38–1.26) 0.23

Abbreviations: ECOG‐PS: the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Scale of Performance Status; modified ALBI score: modified albumin–bilirubin score; mG8 score: modified Geriatric 8 score,DCP: des‐gamma‐carboxy prothrombin; AFP: α‐fetoprotein; TKI: tyrosine kinase inhibitor.