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. 2022 Nov 19;13:7116. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34503-2

Table 3.

The heritability of alertness and sleep

Intra-pair correlation Genetic models
MZ/DZ pairs rMZ rDZ h2
(95% CI)
A C or D E p
Daytime alertness 121/38 0.43 0.30


(−0.34, 0.84)

24.9% 17.8% (C) 57.3% <0.001
Morning alertness 120/38 0.41 0.215


(−0.26, 1.03)

38.6% 2.2% (C) 59.2% <0.001
Happiness 88/28 0.32 0.08


(0.13, 0.51)

0% 32.0% (D) 68.0% 0.011
Sleep duration 121/38 0.51 0.22


(0.37, 0.64)

38.2% 12.5% (D) 49.4% <0.001
Sleep efficiency 121/38 0.68 0.17


(0.58, 0.77)

0.6% 67.1% (D) 32.3% <0.001
Sleep onset 121/38 0.60 0.305


(0.04, 1.15)

59.5% 0.7% (C) 39.8% <0.001
Sleep offset 121/38 0.72 0.63


(−0.16, 0.51)

17.6% 54.2% (C) 28.2% <0.001

rMZ = monozygotic intra-pair correlation coefficient, rDZ = dizygotic intra-pair correlation coefficient, h2= broad-sense heritability of the phenotype, defined as the percentage of total phenotypic variance explained by genetic factors (= A in ACE models and A + D in ADE models), A = additive genetic effect, D = non-additive genetic effect, C = shared environmental effect, E = non-shared environmental effect. All models are adjusted for age and sex. Two-tailed p-values were obtained using a likelihood-ratio test comparing the goodness of fit of the full model to a restricted model that only included individual-specific environmental factors (E). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.