Table 1.
Organelle | Targeted factors | Toxins | Intervention mechanism | Therapy | Others | Models | Ref. |
Nucleus | NLS peptide | CPT prodrug | DNA damage | Chemotherapy | In vitro | 407 | |
TAT/RGD peptide | DOX/CS-6@ Erythrocyte membrane-encapsulated GOQDs | DNA damage/VEGF expression ↓ | Chemotherapy | In vivo | 87 | ||
TAT peptide | DOX@MSNs | DNA damage | Chemotherapy | Overcoming MDR | In vitro | 408 | |
TAT peptide | CPT@FMSN | DNA damage | Chemotherapy | Charge-reversal strategy | In vitro | 409 | |
Passive targeting | DOX@PELA micelles | DNA damage | Chemotherapy | Variable-size changeable strategy | In vivo | 410 | |
R8NLS peptide | H1 peptide@HPMA polymer | Interference c-Myc DNA binding | Chemotherapy | Multi-stage targeting strategy | In vivo | 411 | |
NLS peptide | Gold nanorods | DNA damage | PTT | In vivo | 94 | ||
Passive targeting | Hf-HI-4COOH polymer | DNA damage | PTT | Low-temperature thermal ablation | In vivo | 412 | |
Passive targeting | Ir-Es complexes | Nuclear damage | PDT | Irradiation improvement | In vivo | 413 | |
TAT peptide | Ce6@Upconversion-TiO2 Nanoparticles | DNA replication disruption | PDT | Irradiation improvement | In vivo | 414 | |
NLS peptide | PpIX@Chimeric peptide nanoparticles | DNA damage | PDT | Charge-reversal strategy | In vivo | 415 | |
AS1411 aptamer | Ce6@MOF nanoenzyme | DNA damage | PDT | Overcoming hypoxia | In vivo | 416 | |
NLS/CPP/RGD peptide | ASO@PyTPE | DNA interference/Bcl-2 ↓ | Gene therapy | In vitro | 417 | ||
RGD-R8-PEG-HA | pDNA@Fluorinated polymer PF33 | DNA interference | Gene therapy | Multi-stage targeting strategy | In vivo | 418 | |
Mitochondria | TPP | Resveratrol Prodrug | Metabolism disruption | Chemotherapy | In vitro | 419 | |
TPP | ATO/DOX Prodrug | mtDNA damage/MMP↓ | Chemotherapy | Redox-responsive strategy | In vivo | 420 | |
TPP | DOX@Self-assembled cyanostilbene nanoparticles | Unbalance of redox states/MMP↓ | Chemotherapy | In vivo | 421 | ||
Organometallic rhenium complexes | DOX | Metabolism disruption/topoisomerase II ↓ | Chemotherapy | Overcoming MDR | In vitro | 215 | |
TPP | Cisplatin@PLGA-b-PEG nanoplatforms | mtDNA damage | Chemotherapy | Overcoming MDR | In vivo | 422 | |
PPh3 | SOPs | Mitochondrial dysfunction | PTT | ATOT strategy | In vivo | 423 | |
Single-walled carbon nanotubes-chitosan nanoparticles | MPTP | PTT | Charge-reversal strategy | In vitro | 424 | ||
ATO/IR820 @ Self-assembled nanodrugs | Metabolism disruption/HSPs expression ↓ | PTT | Overcoming thermotolerance | In vivo | 425 | ||
CTPP | CAT/Ce6 @ hollow silica nanoparticles | Metabolism disruption/unbalance of redox states/mtDNA damage | PDT | Overcoming hypoxia | In vivo | 426 | |
CyNH2 | Acetylated lysine- CyNH2 | MMP↓/unbalance of redox states | PDT | Imaging-guided PDT | In vivo | 427 | |
UCNP@TiO2 NCs | Unbalance of redox states/metabolism disruption | PDT | Irradiation improvement | In vivo | 428 | ||
Ir(III) complexes | Ir(III) complexes | Unbalance of redox states/metabolism disruption | PDT | Irradiation improvement | In vitro | 429 | |
MLS | pDNA@DQAplexes | Initiation mtDNA transcription | Gene therapy | In vitro | 210 | ||
R8 moieties | ASO@MITO-Porter system | Metabolism disruption | Gene therapy | In vitro | 430 | ||
Lysosomes | Endocytosis | Iron(III)-activated iridium(III) prodrug | Inducing Fe releasing/LMP | Chemotherapy | In vivo | 431 | |
Endocytosis | PTX@PDA coated MS NPs | LMP | Chemotherapy | In vivo | 432 | ||
Endocytosis | DOX@Sericin protein modified MSNs | LMP | Chemotherapy | Overcoming MDR | In vivo | 433 | |
Morpholine and cRGD | Morpholine-cRGD peptide | LMP | PTT | In vivo | 434 | ||
FA | Ruthenium nitrosyl donor | LMP | PDT | NO and ROS synergistic PDT | In vitro | 435 | |
Endocytosis | BDP-688/P16FP@ Polymer micelles | LMP | PDT | Imaging-guided PDT | In vivo | 436 | |
Endocytosis | BODIPY dyes@Polymer micelles | LMP | PDT | PAI-guided PDT | In vivo | 437 | |
Nucleus-Mitochondria-Lysosomes | Endocytosis | platinum-doped carbon nanoparticles | Thermal damage to multi-organelles | PTT | Multiple-organelle synergistic strategy | In vivo | 438 |
Mitochondria-Lysosomes | Endocytosis and TPP | AIE-Mito-TPP & AlPcSNa4 | LMP/metabolism disruption/ unbalance of redox states /mtDNA damage | PDT | Multiple-organelle synergistic strategy | In vivo | 439 |
ASO antisense oligonucleotide, ATO arsenic trioxide, ATOT strategy active tumor- and organelle-targeted theranostic strategy, AIE aggregation-induced emission, CPT camptothecin, CS-6 gamabufotalin, Ce6 chlorin e6, CAT catalase, CPP cell-penetrating peptide, DOX doxorubicin, DQAplexes cationic ‘bola-lipid’-based vesicles, FMSN folic acid modified magnetic mesoporous silica nanoparticles, GOQDs graphene oxide quantum dot,HPMA polymer N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide polymer, Hf-HI-4COOH polymer heptamethine cyanine dye-based nanoscale coordination polymer, Ir-Es complexes terpyridine-based cyclometalated Iridium(iii) complexes, LMP lysosomal membrane permeabilization, MSNs mesoporous silica nanoparticles, MDR multidrug resistance, MMP mitochondrial membrane potential, MOF metal-organic framework, NLS nuclear localization signal, PELA micelles mPEG-PLA-ss-PEI-DMMA polymer micelles, PpIX alkylated protoporphyrin IX, pDNA plasmid DNA, PAI photoacoustic/optoacoustic imaging, PTT photothermal therapy, PDT photodynamic therapy, ROS reactive oxygen species, SOPs small-molecule organic photothermal agents, TPE two-photon excitation, UCNP upconversion nanoparticle, VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor