Figure 2.
Circulating Leukocyte subpopulations over time after spontaneous SAH. (A) Leukocytes; (B) Neutrophils; (C) % of Neutrophils (D) Lymphocytes; (E) % of Lymphocytes; (F) Eosinophils; (G) % of Eosinophils; (H) Basophils; (I) % of Basophils; (J) Monocytes; (K) % of Monocytes. Graphs showing mean values of patients, 48 patients at the 6 time points defined as days after SAH. The vertical bars show mean and standard error. Patients with aneurysm-related SAH (aSAH) n=42, in white circles and patients with sine materia SAH, also called SAH of unknown origin (Sm SAH) n=6, in black circles. The stars indicate statistical significance at the unpaired two-tailed t-test made at each time point, * with p-value <0.05, ** with p-value <0.01, and *** with p-value <0.001. Small dotted horizontal lines indicate in the graph the normal range reference values where available and/or useful.