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. 2022 Nov 7;26(6):102715. doi: 10.1016/j.bjid.2022.102715

Table 3.

Characteristics of children/adolescents (< 18 years-old) hospitalized due to suspected hepatitis with unknown etiology from January/2019 to February/2022 in the Brazilian Public Health System.

(n = 1535)
(n = 629)
(n = 404)
(n = 443)
(n = 59)
Male sex at birtha 740 (48.2) 291 (46.3) 199 (49.3) 224 (50.6) 26 (44.1) 0.472
Age, yearsb 8.27 (5.91) 8.72 (5.71) 8.02 (6.01) 7.89 (6.03) 8.12 (6.34) 0.096
Age categoriesa 0.084
 < 6 years-old 639 (41.6) 233 (37) 179 (44.3) 201 (45.4) 26 (44.1)
 6–11 years-old 401 (26.2) 187 (29.7) 97 (24) 103 (23.3) 14 (23.7)
 12–17 years-old 495 (32.2) 209 (33.2) 128 (31.7) 139 (31.4) 19 (32.2)
Skin-colora 0.838
 White 381 (24.8) 155 (24.6) 99 (24.5) 112 (25.3) 15 (25.4)
 Black 56 (3.6) 25 (4) 15 (3.7) 14 (3.2) 2 (3.4)
 Mixed (“Pardo”) 644 (42.0) 247 (39.3) 178 (44.1) 193 (43.6) 26 (44.1)
 Yellow/Asian 22 (1.4) 11 (1.7) 7 (1.7) 4 (0.9) 0 (0.0)
 Indigenous 9 (0.6) 2 (0.3) 4 (1.0) 3 (0.7) 0 (0.0)
 Not reported 423 (27.6) 189 (30) 101 (25) 117 (26.4) 16 (27.1)
Macro-regiona 0.284
 North 292 (19.0) 122 (19.4) 86 (21.3) 76 (17.2) 8 (13.6)
 Northeast 385 (25.1) 172 (27.3) 91 (22.5) 105 (23.7) 17 (28.8)
 Southeast 494 (32.2) 186 (29.6) 133 (32.9) 154 (34.8) 21 (35.6)
 South 235 (15.3) 91 (14.5) 69 (17.1) 65 (14.7) 10 (16.9)
 Center-west 129 (8.4) 58 (9.2) 25 (6.2) 43 (9.7) 3 (5.1)
ICD-10a 0.202
 B19 21 (1.4) 8 (1.3) 7 (1.7) 6 (1.4) 0 (0.0)
 B19.0 16 (1.0) 7 (1.1) 6 (1.5) 3 (0.7) 0 (0.0)
 B19.9 612 (39.9) 287 (45.6) 148 (36.6) 152 (34.3) 25 (42.4)
 K72.0 223 (14.5) 86 (13.7) 61 (15.1) 70 (15.8) 6 (10.2)
 K72.9 457 (29.8) 163 (25.9) 124 (30.7) 153 (34.5) 17 (28.8)
 K75 3 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 0 (0.0)
 K75.9 202 (13.2) 77 (12.2) 57 (14.1) 57 (12.9) 11 (18.6)
 R93.2 1 (0.1) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (0.2) 0 (0.0)
 Length of hospitalization, daysb 7.84 (8.36) 7.69 (7.85) 8.54 (9.87) 7.47 (7.76) 7.47 (6.27) 0.253
 Liver transplantationa 131 (8.5) 49 (7.8) 25 (6.2) 52 (11.8) 5 (8.5) 0.710
 Deatha 107 (7.0) 37 (5.9) 38 (9.4) 27 (6.1) 5 (8.5) 0.134

Data expressed as either number (%) or mean (SD); p-values obtained either by F-tests (numerical continuous variables) or by chi-square tests (nominal categorical variables). B19=Unspecified viral hepatitis; B19.0=Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma; B19.9=Unspecified viral hepatitis without hepatic coma; K72=Hepatic failure, not elsewhere classified; K72.9=Hepatic failure, unspecified; K75=Other inflammatory liver diseases; K75.9=Inflammatory liver disease, unspecified; R93.2=Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of liver and biliary tract.