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. 2022 Nov 17;12(11):e067268. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067268

Table 1.

Characteristics of included records

Study Method(s) Analytical approach HCPs (n) Practice setting(s) HCP experience Encounters observed Location Number of findings (online supplemental appendix E)
Aita V et al.34 (2005) Chart audits, interviews, narrative descriptions, note taking, participatory observations Coding, group analysis, themes Physicians (44) 18 Family practice clinics Unspecified 1500 USA 25
Chhabra KR et al.49 (2013) Observations of audio-recorded consultations Theme-oriented discourse analysis Oncologists (15) 2 Cancer centres Unspecified 20 USA 27
Davis K et al.35 (2017) Semi-structured interviews Coding, themes Physicians (33) Multiple clinics in 2 HMO territories Mean 13–20 years N/A USA 20
Elwyn G et al.54 (2000) Focus groups Codes, themes GPs (6) 6 Service settings Mean 12 years N/A UK 40
Feiring E et al.36 (2020) Document analysis, in-depth interviews Thematic analysis Various (8) 4 Specialist institutions Unspecified N/A Norway 16
Ford S et al.*32 (2002) Semi-structured interviews Constant comparative analysis Various (37) Hospitals and clinics Unspecified N/A UK 17
Ford S et al.*31 (2003) Semi-structured interviews Constant comparative analysis Various (37) Hospitals and clinics Unspecified N/A UK 54
Ford S et al.50 (2006) Observation of video-taped consultations Thematic coding GPs (13) 12 GP surgeries Unspecified 149 UK 16
Friedberg MW et al.37 (2013) Semi-structured interviews Codes, themes Various (23) 8 Primary care Unspecified N/A USA 23
Golden SE et al.38 (2017) Interviews Directed content analysis Various (20) 7 Medical centres Mean 12 years N/A USA 30
Gruß I et al.39 (2019) Observations, semi-structured interviews Codes, template analysis Physicians (8) 1 Cancer clinic Unspecified 8 USA 24
Hall J et al.59 (2011) Narrative review Narrative review Various (unspecified) N/A N/A N/A USA 18
Hart PL et al.58 (2014) Mail survey Thematic analysis Nurses (374) Hospital (43%)
Non-hospital (57%)
Mean 22.4 years N/A USA 10
Hisham R et al.40 (2016) Focus groups, in-depth interviews Thematic analysis Physicians (18) 2 Rural clinics Mean 6.2 years N/A Malaysia 7
Jefford M et al.60 (2002) Review Review Doctors (unspecified) Unspecified Unspecified N/A Australia 27
Kennedy BM et al.55 (2017) Focus groups, survey Thematic categorisation Various (7) 1 Rural clinic Median 12 years N/A USA 18
Landmark AM et al.51 (2016) Observations of video-recorded encounters Conversation analysis Physicians (17) 1 University hospital Unspecified 17 Norway 34
Lown B et al.11 (2009) Research work groups Constant comparative analysis and grounded theory PCPs (41) Hospital-based practices ‘At least >3 years postresidency’ N/A USA 49
McLeod H33 (2017) Observations of video-recorded encounters, VRE Grounded theory PCPs (17) 1 Hospital-based clinic Unspecified 15 USA 89
Murdoch J et al.52 (2020) Observations of video-recorded consultations Conversation analysis GPs (5) 3 General practices Range <10 to >20 years 22 UK 37
Paiva D et al.56 (2019) Focus groups Grounded theory Various (12) 1 Institution Range 1 to >10 years N/A Portugal 36
Pieterse AH et al.53 (2011) Observations of video-recorded consultations Coded and categorised observations Radiation oncologists (10) 1 Hospital Median 7 years 25 The Netherlands 35
Salter C et al.41 (2019) Focus group, interview, observations of video-recorded consultations Thematic analysis GPs (5) 3 General practices Range <10 to >20 years 40 UK 40
Schulman-Green DJ et al.57 (2006) Focus groups Content analysis Various (11) Hospital-affiliated practices Unspecified N/A USA 14
Shepherd HL et al.42 (2011) Telephone interviews Framework analysis Physicians (22) Unspecified Mean 24 years N/A Australia 19
Shortus T et al.43 (2011) In-depth interviews Grounded theory, constant comparison Various (29) ‘…a range of clinical settings…’ ‘…a range of clinical experience…’ N/A Australia 29
Tracy CS et al.44 (2003) Semi-structured interviews Constant comparative method FPs (15) 15 Practices Range 2–32 years N/A Canada 18
Van Humbeeck L et al.45 (2020) Delphi, cognitive interviewing, survey Thematic analysis Various (174) 2 Hospitals Range <1 to >21 years N/A Belgium 26
Vermunt N et al.46 (2019) Semi-structured interviews Framework analysis Physicians (33) Hospitals and community clinics Range 3–34 years N/A The Netherlands 29
Visser LNC et al.47 (2018) Semi-structured interviews Content analysis Oncologists (13) Academic and general hospitals Range 4–41 years N/A The Netherlands 31
Zulman DM et al.48 (2020) Delphi, interviews, observations Evidence review Physicians (18) Primary care clinics at 1 academic medical centre, 1 VA hospital, 1 federally qualified health centre Unspecified 27 USA 47

HCP experience early career <11 years, mid-career 11–20 years, late career ≥21 years.88

*Ford 2002 and Ford 2003 are two reports from the same study.

CV, cardiovascular; DAS-O, decision analysis system for oncology; GP, general practitioner; HCP, healthcare professional; HMO, health maintenance organisation; N/A, not applicable; PCP, primary care physician; VA, veteran's administration; VRE, video reflexive ethnography.