Pancreatic and intestinal tdTom native reporter (red) and GLP1 immunolabeling (green) in neonatal (P2, P10) Gcg-Cre/tdTom rats. Tissues were processed using CLARITY to remove lipid membranes and enhance visualization of fluorescent labeling. A, TdTom-positive cells within the intestinal villi (P10 rat). B, enlarged view of the boxed region (b) shown in panel C (P2 rat). Rotated views of confocally imaged tdTom-expressing intestinal cells demonstrate that all (100%) are GLP1-immunopositive. D, tdTom-labeled pancreatic cells (P10). E, immunolabeling for GLP1 demonstrates complete overlap with tdTom labeling in pancreatic islets (P2). Scale bars are in microns.