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. 2022 Nov 21;20:161. doi: 10.1186/s12958-022-01031-z

Table 1.

Partial classification of the differentially expressed proteins

Classify Gene Physiological processes
Immunoregulation Rbm14, Il1rap innate immune response
Casp1 regulation of inflammatory response
Enpp1 immune response
Respond to stress Casp1, Srp72, Ube2b, Jund, respond to drug
Serpina7, Aldh3a
Hmox2, Hsp90b1, Casp1, Aldh3a1 respond to hypoxia
Eif2s1, Pdcd6 respond to heat
Hmox2, Atox1 respond to oxidative stress
Lipid metabolism Apoc2, Apoa4, Sult1e1, Acbd7, Nr5a1, Vcp lipid binding
Lipf, Pld3, Ces1b, Plbd1 lipid catabolic process
Arfip2, Nr5a1, Apoa4 phospholipid binding
Apoa4 positive regulation of lipid biosynthetic process; lipid homeostasis; lipid transport
Lipf, Hacl1, Echdc2, Pld3, Plbd1, Ptgds lipid metabolic process
Vcp lipid droplet
Endoplasmic reticulum function Vcp, Rrbp1, Pdia3, Hsp90b1, Hsp90aa1, Eif2s1, Dnajb11 Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum
Fertility Ube2b sperm axoneme assembly
Cd9 fusion of sperm to egg plasma membrane involved in single fertilization
Insl6, Acrbp spermatid development
Acrbp sperm capacitation
Hsp90aa1 sperm flagellum
Insl6 flagellated sperm motility
Insl6, Ube2b spermatogenesis
Fgf2, Camsap3 embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching
Zp3r, Cct6a binding of sperm to zona pellucida