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. 2022 Nov 7;12:1037831. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.1037831

Table 3.

Correlation between factors that disturb the intestinal flora and breast cancer metastasis and progression.

Factor Study model Regulation Key biologic function
BFT BALB/C, MCF-7, MCF-10A Up ETBF produces BFT, which is highly invasive in breast cells and expresses migration- and metastasis-related genes (137139)
MMTV-PyMT Up Dysbiosis was associated with enhanced distant metastasis and dissemination of breast tumor cells (140)
BRPKP110 Up Infiltration of myeloid cells in breast tissue was enhanced after FMT perfusion (140)
GFP+ tumor cells Up Dysbiosis was associated with increased breast tumor cell dissemination (140)
M2-like macrophages Up Dysbiosis was associated with enhanced infiltration of myeloid cells into the breast tissue (140, 141)
VNMAA or vancomycin PyMT-BO1 Up Significant reduction in gut microbiota abundance and accelerated tumor growth were observed after VNMAA treatment (146)
E0771 Uncertain Increased homing/value-added of mast cells in breast cancer tumors where gut microbiota were disturbed after antibiotic treatment (146)
VNMA PyMT-BO1, E0771 Up Antibiotic-induced dysbiosis of microflora was associated with reduced expression of pro-apoptotic genes and increased expression of pro-survival genes (153)
PyMT-BO1, E0771 Up Antibiotic administration was associated with dramatic differences in the regulation of microbial metabolic pathways and increased tumor growth rates in laboratory animals (146, 148)
cefadroxil PyMT-BO1 Up Gut microbial aggregation, genus differences, and accelerated tumor growth were observed in cefadroxil-treated animals (146, 148)
CRL431 Down FM was associated with inhibited mammary tumor growth and metastasis in mice (185)
Kefir water 4T1, BALB/C Down Administration of kefir water was associated with inhibition of tumor size and distant metastasis with downregulatory effect (190, 191)
L. brevis BALB/C Down L. brevis administration was associated with immune response and reduced liver metastases from mammary carcinoma in mice (195)
Microbial metabolite
SCFAs SCFAs Down Butyrate has anti-cancer properties (159, 175, 176)
LCA MCF-7, SKBR3, 4T1 Down LCA was associated with inhibition in the growth of breast cancer cells (180) and reduction in infiltration by the primary tumor into the surrounding tissue and metastasis (168)
Cadaverine 4T1, MDA-MB-231, SKBR3 Down Cadaverine can fight breast cancer progression by inhibiting EMT, cell motility, chemotaxis, and metastasi (182)
Lactobacillus casei Shirota and
Soy isoflavones from puberty onwards (207)
polyphenol (173) Uncertain
Fucoidan (209) Uncertain

ETBF, Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis; BFT, B. fragilis; BALB/C, experimental mouse; MCF-7, human breast cancer cells; MCF-10A, epithelial cell line; MMTV-PyMT, mouse model of highly metastatic breast cancer; BRPKP110, HR+ mouse breast cancer cell line model; FMT, fecal microbiota transplantation; GFP+, Green fluorescent protein; VNMAA, vancomycin, neomycin, metronidazole, amphotericin, ampicillin; PyMT-BO1, PyMT-derived ductal cell line in situ mammary fat pad injection model; E0771, spontaneously derived basal cells; VNMA, vancomycin, neomycin, metronidazole, amphotericin; FM, fermented milk; CRL431, type of L. casei used to ferment milk; 4T1, breast cancer cells; SCFAs, short-chain fatty acids; TLR4, Toll-like receptor 4;LCA, lithophanic acid; MDA-MB-231, breast cancer cells; SKBR3, breast cancer cells; EMT, epithelial–mesenchymal transition.