Figure 1.
CA Notify service model and user journey. CA Notify is a digital exposure notification (EN) system in California that uses smartphones to anonymously identify and alert individuals who have been in proximity to a person who has received a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2. The system functions as follows: (1) a user activates CA Notify on one’s smartphone; (2) activated smartphones exchange keys when they are close for a defined period; (3) users who receive a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2 then receive a code that can be entered into the system; (4) inputting codes leads to notifications to users who have been in contact with a person who received a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2; (5) if a person who received an EN gets tested and has a positive test result, the user is encouraged to isolate and is sent, and can input, a code to the system, continuing the alerting cycle, or (6) a vaccinated user may choose only to monitor for symptoms and isolate if symptoms occur. The overall process leads to (7) protection of others in the community. The process depicted in the figure reflects the CA Notify functionality as well as isolation and quarantine guidance at the time of manuscript submission. The CA Notify service model and user journey are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution–Non-commercial 4.0 International License (2021). Published with permission of CA Notify.