Figure 4.
Subclustering of granulocytes revealed more effector neutrophils in the ApoA4 knockout group. (A) UMAP plot of liver granulocytes showing a three-cluster distribution; fraction of each granulocyte subset in the WT and KO. (B) Feature plots of marker gene expression in three subsets. (C) Heatmap of the 6 most upregulated genes (decreased by P value) among the three granulocyte subsets. (D) GO BP terms enriched in the indicated subsets; the gene list is the maker genes of each cluster. (E) Volcano plot showing upregulated genes in WT and KO granulocytes. Average_log2 fold change > 0.7 & -log10(P value-adjust) > 2 are red; others are grey. (F) GSEA plot of 8 MSigDB hallmark gene sets. (G) Violin plots showing the expression of genes involved in neutrophil migration, response to interferon-gamma, and NET formation pathways among granulocyte subsets.