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. 2022 Aug 6;53(4):1915–1924. doi: 10.1007/s42770-022-00806-1

Table 1.

Clinical, epidemiological, and demographic characteristics of the studied population. Number of patients for each variable and their respective percentual values are shown below

Variables General population (n = 545)* Positive population (n = 359)* Negative population (n = 186)* HBoV (n = 43)* RSV (n = 87)* AdV (n = 22)* PIV (n = 89)* FLU (n = 13)* Coinfections (n = 105)*
Male 317/58.2 206/57.4 111/59.7 24/55.8 52/59.8 11/50 49/55 9/69.2 61/58.1
Female 228/41.8 153/42.6 75/40.3 19/44.2 35/40.2 11/50 40/45 4/30.8 44/41.9

Age (months)

Mean / median

13.3/8 11.5/7 16.8/10 12.1/8 8.9/4 13.3/9 13.1/8 13.8/8 11.2/8
Range 1–60 1–58 1–60 1–58 1–56 1–34 1–55 1–41 1–55
Age group (months)
0 to 12 357/65.6 248/69 109/58.6 28/65.2 68/78.1 13/59.1 59/66.2 9/69.2 71/67.7
13 to 24 95/17.4 66/18.3 29/15.6 11/25.6 11/12.6 6/27.2 15/16.9 1/7.7 22/21.9
25 to 36 38/7.0 24/6.9 14/7.5 2/4.6 3/3.5 3/13.7 7/7.9 1/7.7 8/7.6
37 to 48 36/6.6 16/4.4 20/10.8 1/2.3 3/3.5 0 7/7.9 2/15.3 3/2.9
49 to 60 19/3.4 5/1.4 14/7.5 1/2.3 2/2.3 0 1/1.1 0 1/0.9
Hospital care sector
Emergency 279/51.2 170/47.3 109/58.6 26/60.5 39/44.8 14/63.6 49/55.1 1/7.7 41/39.1
Wards 208/38.2 150/41.8 58/31.2 16/37.2 37/42.6 8/36.4 28/31.4 11/84.6 50/47.6
Resuscitation 49/9 33/9.2 16/8.6 1/2.3 9/10.3 0 9/10.1 1/7.7 13/12.4
ICU 9/1.6 6/1.7 3/1.6 0 2/2.3 0 3/3.4 0 1/0.9
Risk factor
Not detected 161/29.5 110/30.7 51/27.4 8/18.6 27/31 7/31.8 32/35.9 5/38.4 31/29.5
ARI cases in the family 233/42.7 148/41.2 85/45.7 21/48.8 36/41.3 9/40.9 31/34.8 5/38.4 46/43.8
Passive smoking 138/25.3 87/24.2 51/27.4 16/37.2 17/19.5 5/22.7 21/23.6 4/30.7 24/22.8
Attendance to daycare or school 31/5.6 15/4.2 16/8.6 2/4.6 2/2.3 2/9 5/5.6 0 4/3.8
No breastfeeding 96/17.6 70/19.5 26/14 9/2.9 19/21.8 3/13.6 15/16.8 2/15.3 22/20.9
Immunosuppression 4/0.7 4/1.1 0 1/2.3 0 0 1/1.1 0 1/0.9
Prematurity 49/9 38/10.6 11/5.9 5/11.6 10/11.4 1/4.5 11/12.3 1/7.7 10/9.5
Not detected 402/73.7 263/73.2 139/74.7 33/76.7 64/73.5 13/59.1 66/74.1 5/38.4 82/78
Heart disease 76/13.9 51/14.2 25/13.4 5/11.6 12/13.7 6/27.2 10/11.2 6/46.1 12/11.4
Pneumopathies 7/1.2 5/1.4 2/1 1/2.3 0 1/4.5 1/1.1 0 2/1.9
Neuropathy 44/8 31/8.6 13/7 2/4.6 8/9.1 4/18.1 5/5.6 1/7.7 9/8.5
Asthma 15/2.7 6/1.7 9/4.8 1/2.3 2/2.3 0 3/3.4 0 0
Antipyretic 253/46.2 171/47.6 82/44 20/46.5 30/34.4 12/54.5 49/55 5/38.4 55/52.3
Aerosol 369/67.7 250/69.6 119/63.9 37/86 52/59.7 12/54.5 62/69.6 6/46.1 81/77.1
Bronchodilators 11/2 5/1.4 6/3.2 0 2/2.3 1/4.5 1/1.1 0 1/0.9
Corticoids 221/40.5 152/42.3 69/37 23/53.4 36/41.3 6/27.2 39/43.8 4/30.7 44/41.9
Antibiotic 400/73.3 277/77.1 123/66.1 39/90.6 58/66.6 13/59.1 70/7.8 8/61.5 89/87.7
Signs and symptoms
Cough 436/80.0 306/85.2 130/69.9 42/97.7 63/72.4 16/72.7 86/96.7 7/53.8 92/87.6
Dyspnea 421/77.2 286/79.7 135/72.6 41/95.3 59/67.9 15/68.2 76/85.4 8/61.5 87/82.8
Coryza 321/58.9 209/58.2 112/60.2 26/60.5 36/41.4 11/0.5 59/66.3 5/38.5 42/40.0
Fever 318/58.3 211/58.8 107/57.5 30/69.8 41/47.1 12/54.5 56/63.0 5/38.5 67/63.8
Nasal obstruction 255/46.8 171/47.6 84/45.2 20/46.5 38/43.7 9/41 41/46.1 4/30.8 59/56.2
Sneezing 201/36.9 140/39.0 61/32.8 21/48.4 36/41.4 5/22.7 28/31.5 3/23.1 47/44.8
Anorexia 125/23.0 84/23.4 41/22.0 11/25.6 18/2.7 7/31.8 23/25.9 1/7.7 24/22.8
Vomit 109/20.0 62/17.3 47/25.3 8/18.6 12/13.8 5/22.7 15/16.8 1/7.7 21/20.0
Diarrhea 57/10.4 41/11.4 16/8.6 7/16.3 12/13.8 2/9.0 6/6.7 1/7.7 13/12.4
Cyanosis 23/4.22 17/4.7 6/3.2 3/7.0 3/3.4 0 3/3.4 1/7.7 7/6.7
Wheezing 18/3.3 15/4.2 3/1.7 2/4.6 6/6.9 0 2/2.2 1/7.7 4/3.8
Seizure 17/3.1 11/3.1 6/3.2 0 4/4.6 0 1/1.1 0 6/5.7
Rash 4/0.7 4/1.1 0 0 0 0 3/3.4 1/7.7 0
Conjunctivitis 2/0.4 1/0.3 1/0.5 0 0 0 0 0 1/0.9
Rattling 1/0.2 1/0.3 0 0 0 0 1/1.1 0 0

HBoV human bocavirus, RSV respiratory syncytial virus, AdV adenovirus, PIV parainfluenza virus 1–4, FLU influenza virus, ARI acute respiratory infection, ICU intensive care unit

*Numbers in parenthesis correspond to the number of patients in each category