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. 2022 Nov 8;10:1002992. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1002992

Table 3.

Summary of the included study and description of factors discussed related to childhood COVID vaccination.

Sr. No. Title Author Type of article Positive factors Negative factors Uncertain or both factor The theme of the article (in favor/against/both or uncertain) for child COVID vaccination
1 Should children be vaccinated against COVID-19? (16) Petra Zimmermann et al. (2021) Review 1. High disease burden
2. Protection against COVID-19,
3. Protection against severe COVID-19,
4. An early return to school
5. Positive impact in preventing the formation of new variants
6. Restoring activity and economic stability to pre-pandemic levels
7. Favor cost-effectiveness ratio
8. Reduce indirect harm of lockdown
9. Benefits of international travel
1. Children typically have milder COVID-19 infections,
2. Long-term safety unknown
3. Limited vaccine supply
4. Direct high cost of the vaccine
5. Affects the program for regular vaccinations negatively
1. Long-term safety, and efficacy unknown
2. Uncertain risk of adverse effects
3. Protection against PIMS-TS unknown
4. Defense against long COVID uncertain,
5. Unknown contribution to the decrease in disease transmission
Both or uncertain
2 The COVID-19 pandemic in children and young people during 2020-2021: A complex discussion on vaccination (17). Igor Rudan et al. (2021) Editorial 1. High disease burden
2. Protection against COVID-19 infection
3. School reopening and normality like the pre-pandemic period
4. Favorable risk-benefit ratio
5. Reduce fear among parents as well as children and also improve social interaction in the community
6. Social as well as an ethical responsibility
7. Prevent mutation into a new variant
8. High-risk group children will be benefited
9. Helpful in reduction of community transmission
1. Long-term safety of the vaccine unknown
2. Ethical concerns of vaccination of minors,
3. Negative effect on routine childhood immunization,
4. Vaccine hesitancy among parents
1. Unknown Safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of vaccine among children and adolescents
2. Uncertain about adverse effects following vaccination
3. Unknown protective role against PMIS/MIS-C
4. Uncertain defense against long COVID
Both or uncertain
3 Clinical ethics: consent for vaccination in children (18). Dominic Wilkinson (2022) Editorial 1. COVID vaccine-related ethical concern and difficult consent process among children
2. Vaccine hesitancy among parents
4 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in adolescents and young adults: benefit-risk discussion (19). Megan Wallace et al. (2021) Report 1. Good vaccine safety and efficacy
2. Less number of severe adverse events
3. Defense against COVID-19 infection
4. Defense against the severe forms of COVID-19
5. Favorable risk-benefit ratio
6. Favorable role in the reduction of household transmission
1. Disease burden is not high substantially 1. Uncertain protective role against PIMS/MIS-C
2. Unknown defense against long COVID among children
5 A focused protection vaccination strategy: why we should not target children with COVID-19 vaccination policies (20). Alberto Giubilini et al. (2021) Commentary 1. Low disease burden,
2. No role in defense against COVID-19 infection
3. Cost-effectiveness is not favorable
4. Altered risk-benefit ratio
5. Direct cost is also high
6. Problem of the ethical issue of minor vaccination
1. Uncertain role in the reduction of community transmission Against
6 Should children be vaccinated against COVID-19 now? (5) Brian Li Han Wong et al. (2021) Viewpoint 1. Only beneficial for high-risk group children
2. Favorable role in the reduction of household transmission
1. Low disease burden,
2. Milder form of the disease
3. Vaccine efficacy, safety, and effectiveness are not beneficial
4. No role of defense against COVID-19 infection
7 COVID-19 in children and the importance of COVID-19 vaccination (21) Feng Xia Xue et al. (2021) Editorial 1. Increasing disease burden and hospitalization rate among children,
2. Preventive role in the community and school transmission,
3. Favorable Safety and effectiveness data of the vaccine
4. Less severe adverse events
5. Good defense against COVID-19 infection
6. Favorable for inclusion in the child immunization schedule
7. Improve the mental health status of the children
8. Reduction in disruption of health care facilities
8 Reasons in favor of universal vaccination campaign against COVID-19 in the pediatric population (22). Nicola Principi et al. (2022) Debate 1. Increasing mortality and morbidity rates among children,
2. Favorable efficacy, safety, and tolerability of the vaccine
3. All the adverse events are minor in nature
4. Favorable protection against COVID-19 infection
5. Defense against the severe forms of COVID-19
61. Beneficial for school reopening
7. Reduce fear among parents and children
1. Uncertain role in the prevention of household transmission Favor
9 COVID-19 vaccination for children: may be necessary for the full eradication of the disease (23). Andrea D. Praticò (2021) Correspondence 1. Role in prevention of “Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children” and related death,
2. Role of vaccination to prevent community transmission
1. Less efficacy and safety trial among children Favor
10 Should we be vaccinating children against COVID-19 in high-income countries? (24) Grace Li et al. (2021) Expert review 1. Helps in school reopening
2. Limited information on severe adverse effects
3. Improve the mental health status of children
1. No role in the prevention of COVID-19 infection
2. Problem of vaccine inequality in society
3. No role of children in community transmission,
1. Uncertain about high disease burden in children
2. Uncertain about the role of the vaccine in the prevention of the emergence of new variant
3. Limited information on long-time safety
4. Doubtful role of the vaccine in the prevention of PIMS-TS,
5. Doubtful role in the prevention of long COVID,
11 Adolescent Consent to COVID-19 Vaccination: The Need for Law Reform (25). Robert S. Olicket al. (2022) Public health report 1. High level of vaccine hesitancy 1. Adolescent COVID vaccination consent and ethical problems Against
12 Vaccinating children and adolescents against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)—the Israeli experience (26). Daniel Glikman et al. (2021) Editorial 1. High disease burden
2. School reopening,
3. Good effectiveness and efficacy trial results,
4. Less number of adverse events.
5. Good defense against COVID-19 infection
6. Favorable risk-benefit ratio for children
7. Well-developed infrastructure for routine immunization can be beneficial
8. Defense against long COVID-19
1. Mild form of the disease among children Favor
13 Providing children with COVID-19 vaccinations is challenging due to the lack of data and wide-ranging parental acceptance (27). Jiatong She et al. (2021) Review article 1.Increasing disease burden among children 2.Vaccines is having good effectiveness, safety, and efficacy, 3.Fewer adverse events 4.Good defense against COVID-19 infection 5.Easy for school reopening 6.Faster return of the economy to prepandemic activity 7.Favorable risk-benefit ratio 8.Children's vaccination will enhance the possibility of herd immunity 9.Will improve social interaction among children 10.Stop emergence of new variant 11.Indirect benefits of vaccination for the protection of elderly 12.Reduce disruption of health care services 1.Low rate of hospitalization and death, 2.High vaccine hesitancy among parents Favor
14 Vaccinating children against COVID-19 (28) Jennie S. Lavine et al. (2021) Editorial 1.Beneficial for the high-risk group of children 1.Less disease burden, 2.Mild form of infection 3.Cost-benefit is less, 4.No role of the vaccine in the prevention of disease transmission, 5.Less duration of protection, 6.An epidemiological shift in the age group of disease, 7.Possibility of high case fatality and low rate of infection among children in future 8.No role in the prevention of emergence of new variant Against
15 Vaccinating children against COVID-19: maximize uptake among adults while prioritizing the most vulnerable (29). EliaAbi-Jaoude (2021) Letter 1.Low risk of infection among children 2.No role in the prevention of disease transmission in community or household, 3.Scarcity of vaccine Against
16 Should we delay COVID-19 vaccination in children? (30) Dominic Wilkinson et al. (2021) Head-to-head 1.Mild disease among children 2.Less cost-effectiveness ratio
3. Less cost-benefit ratio, 4.Unknown side effects, 5.No defense against the severe forms of COVID-19 infection 6.Safety problems, 7.The limited supply of vaccines, 8.No role in the prevention of COVID-19 transmission
17 Should the UK vaccinate children and adolescents against COVID-19? (31) Sonia Saxena et al. (2021) Editorial 1.Helps children with school reopening 2.Stop emergence of new variants 3.Reduction in disruption of health care facility 41.Role in reduction of household transmission 1.Low disease burden 2.Less cost-effectiveness ratio, 3.Severe adverse events following vaccination 4.No defense against COVID-19 infection 1.Concerns about vaccine safety 2.Uncertain defense against long COVID Against
18 COVID-19: cases in children rise sharply in the US as doctors call for vaccine approval (32). Janice Hopkins Tanne (2021) News 1.Increasing disease burden among children 2.Less number of severe adverse events 3.Stop the emergence of a new virus variant Favor
19 Other good reasons for COVID-19 vaccination in pre-adolescent and adolescent populations (33). Federico Marchetti et al. (2021) Letter 1.Restoration of normal social life and school activities, 2.Favorable risk-benefit ratio 3.Helps in the development of Herd immunity 1.Improving the mental health of the adolescent 1.Direct cost of vaccination is high 1.Uncertain about severe adverse events 2.Uncertain about prevention of community transmission Favor
20 Inviting adolescents aged 12-17 for COVID-19 vaccination: the need for patience (34). Peter A M de Beer et al. (2021) Letter 1.Reduce MIS-C among children, 2.Defense against long COVID Favor
21 COVID-19 vaccines for teenagers: conversations and consent (35). Sonia Saxena et al. (2021) Editorial 1.Less severe adverse events following vaccination 2.Helpful for school reopening 1.Less disease burden 2.No role in the development of herd immunity in the community 3.Low rate of infection among children, 4.Mild form of the disease among children 5.Difficult consent process for minors,
6. High vaccine hesitancy
1.Uncertain risk-benefit ratio Against
22 COVID-19 vaccines for children and adolescents in Africa: aligning our priorities to situational realities (36). Kaymarlin Govender et al. (2022) Analysis 1.Increasing disease burden and hospitalization rate among children,
2. Provide defense against COVID-19 infection 3.Protect against the severe form of COVID-19 4.The vaccine reduces the chances of mortality, 5.Reduce educational disruption, 6.Will improve routine vaccine delivery infrastructure, 7.Good safety and effectiveness of the vaccine 8.Faster return to prepandemic activity and economic stability 9.Stop emergence of new vaccine variant
1.Mild infection among children 2.Increasing vaccine hesitancy 3.High level of vaccine inequality 4.Uncertain role in the reduction of community transmission Favor
23 Vaccinating adolescents wisely against COVID-19 (37). Maurizio Bonati et al. (2021) Editorial 1.Provide defense against COVID-19 infection 2.Reduces the severity of disease, 3.Reduce fear of COVID-19 among children and parents 4.Few severe adverse events 1.Not helpful in school reopening 2.Overall general population risk-benefit is less 3.Mild symptoms among children 4.The direct risk-benefit ratio is less Both or uncertain
24 The Importance of Advancing COVID-19 Vaccines in Children (38). Carol M. Kao et al. (2022) Review 1.Increasing disease burden among children, 2.Provide defense against the severe forms of COVID-19 3.Reduces chances of community transmission, 4.Presence of a functional children's universal immunization infrastructure. Favor
25 Warp speed for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines: why are children stuck in neutral? (39) Evan J. Anderson et al. (2021) Viewpoint 1.Vaccination will reduce the disease burden, MIS-C, and hospitalization rate among children, 2.The vaccine is safe and less adverse events,
3. School reopening, 4.Improve the mental health status of the parents
1.Disease is in mild form among children 1.Uncertain role in the prevention of community transmission, Favor
26 COVID-19 vaccine for children in China: when to start? Mandatory or voluntary? (40) Fei Liu et al. (2021) Correspondence 1.Increasing disease burden among children, 2.Favorable Safety data 1.High vaccine hesitancy 2.Less data on vaccine effectiveness 1.Uncertain role in the prevention of disease transmission Both or uncertain
27 Should children get COVID-19 vaccines? What the science says (41). Heidi Ledford (2021) News on focus 1.Prevent the possible emergence of a new variant of COVID-19
2. Protection against Co-infection of COVID-19 and other circulating routine viruses 3.Role in development of Herd immunity 4.Useful for high-risk groups of children
1.Severity is less among children, 1.Uncertain about disease burden among children 2.Uncertain about the result of safety trial of vaccines among children 3.Uncertain about the adverse events following vaccination 4.Uncertain about the role in the prevention of COVID transmission 5.Long-term safety of the vaccine unknown Both or uncertain
28 COVID-19 vaccination in children and university students (42). John P. A. Ioannidis (2021) Commentary 1.Early normality like prepandemic period, 2.Severity of the disease is high among children 3.High risk-benefit ratio, 4.Reduce disease burden, severity, and mortality, 5.Fewer chances of serious adverse events and long-term events 6.Good defense against COVID−19 infection
7. Helps in school reopening 8.The epidemiological shift of disease in higher age groups without vaccination 9.Indirect protection for elderly
1.Long-term safety unknown, 2.Less duration of protection,
3. Large level of the population is already exposed 4.Socio-economic inequality in vaccine delivery
1.Uncertain protection from reinfection 2.Uncertain role of protection against the new variant 3.Uncertain role in the prevention of long COVID 4.Uncertain role in the prevention of community transmission 5.Uncertain about vaccine safety and efficacy Both or uncertain
29 COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents—a joint statement of the European Academy of Pediatrics and the European Confederation for Primary Care Pediatricians (43). ŁukaszDembin' ski et al. (2021) Perspective 1.School reopening easier 2.Enhance herd immunity 3.Improve the mental health status of children and parents 4.Prevent interruption of health care facilities 5.Less vaccine hesitancy 1.Low disease burden and severity among children 2.Ethical concerns of minor vaccination, 1.Uncertain about the result of clinical trials on vaccine efficacy, and safety among children 2.Uncertain about adverse events of vaccine
3. Uncertain role in protection against MIS-C 4.Uncertain protection against long COVID-19 5.Uncertain role in the prevention of community transmission,
Both or uncertain
30 Pediatric off-label use of COVID-19 vaccines: ethical and legal considerations (44). Elizabeth lanphier et al. (2021) Report 1.Ethical and legal concerns of “off-level” COVID-19 vaccine for children Against
31 Should we mandate a COVID-19 vaccine for children? (45) Douglas J. Opel et al. (2020) Editorial 1.High disease burden 2.Have a role in developing herd immunity 1.Mild infection among children, 2.No role in the prevention of disease transmission 1.Uncertain about vaccine safety and efficacy 2.Uncertain about the risk-benefit ratio Uncertain
32 COVID-19 and routine childhood vaccinations—identifying gaps and informing solutions (46). Brian P. Jenssen et al. (2022) Opinion 1.Interruption of routine childhood immunization Against
33 COVID-19 vaccination of minors without parental consent (47). Larissa Morgan et al. (2021) Viewpoint 1.Increasing disease burden among children 1.Milder form of the disease among children 2.Vaccine hesitancy among community 3.Difficult Consent process for vaccination among minors 1.Uncertain role in the prevention of disease transmission Against
34 Increased incidence of COVID-19 in younger patients (May–July 2021)—an argument for extending vaccination? (48) Paul W. Bird et al. (2021) Letter to Editor 1.Increasing disease burden among children, 2.The increasing rate of hospitalization among children 1.Breakthrough infection possible 2.Vaccine hesitancy a problem 1.Uncertain duration of protection Favor
35 Should universities mandate the COVID-19 vaccine? (49) Constance Burke (2021) Viewpoint 1.Less Vaccine hesitancy 1.Ethical issues of adolescent vaccination, 2.Concerns related to vaccine supply 3.Failure of compulsory vaccination laws in the past Against
36 Impact of COVID-19 on women and children and the need for a gendered approach in vaccine development (50). Kranti Suresh Vora et al. (2020) Mini review 1.The gender-based difference in COVID-19 vaccine development Favor
37 Considerations for mandating a new COVID-19 vaccine in the USA for children and adults (51). Dorit R. Reisset al. (2020) Essay 1.Good safety and effectiveness of the vaccine 2.Less number of serious adverse events 3.Faster return to prepandemic activity
4. Essential for high-risk group children
1.Ethical concerns, legal issues, and political factors related to children's COVID-19 vaccinations Against
38 We should not vaccinate the young to protect the old: a response to Giubilini, Savulescu, andWilkinson (52). Iñigode Miguel Beriain (2020) Commentary 1.Mild infection among children 2.Severe adverse events possible 3.Ethical concerns, 4.Lack of scientific evidence of benefits among children vaccination, 5.Unknown risk among children 6.No role in the reduction of disease transmission 1.Uncertain vaccine efficacy and safety Against
39 Zero-sum or worse? Considering detrimental effects of selective mandates on voluntary childhood vaccinations (53). Philipp Sprengholz (2021) Letter to Editor 1.Mild disease among children 2.Parental hesitancy and anger 1.Uncertain vaccine efficacy and effectiveness Against
40 Mass infection is not an option: we must do more to protect our young (54). Deepti Gurdasani et al. (2021) Correspondence 1.Increasing disease burden among unvaccinated children 2.Prevention of educational disruption, 3.Prevent the emergence of new vaccine resistance variance, 4.Reduce disruption of health care facilities Favor
41 COVID-19 vaccines for children in LMICs: another equity issue (55). Beate Kampmann et al. (2021) Comment 1.High rate of COVID-19 infected children in Low- and middle-income countries 2.Reduce disruption of routine vaccination services among children, 3.Improve the psychological health of the children after lockdown 4.Beneficial for the high-risk groups of children 1.Mild form of the disease among children 2.Vaccine inequality 1.Uncertain vaccine efficacy and safety 2.Uncertain role of the vaccine in school reopening Both or uncertain
42 Herd immunity and vaccination of children for COVID-19 (56) Thirumalaisamy P. Velavana et al. (2020) Editorial 1.Good vaccine safety and efficacy 2.If children had reached herd immunity by vaccination it will prevent the transmission of disease to others, 1.Mild form of COVID 2.Low rate of infection 1.Uncertain about serious adverse events 2.Uncertain about protective role against preventing MIS-C 3.Uncertain about the role of the vaccine in the prevention of household transmission Both or uncertain
43 Pediatric vaccination against COVID-19 and despite COVID-19 (57). Federico Martinón-Torres (2020) Editorial 1.Provide protection against COVID-19 infection 2.Prevention of post-COVID sequelae, 3.Good safety of the vaccine, 4.Protection against new variants 5.Provide defense against long COVID-19 1.Low disease burden among children 2.Mild infection among children 3.The problem of ethical consideration 1.Uncertain about severe adverse events 2.Uncertain about a faster return to pre-pandemic activity 3.Uncertain about the role of school reopening 4.Uncertain about protective role against PIMS/MIS-C
5. Doubtful in lowering the transmission 6.Uncertain about indirect harms of lockdown 7.Uncertain about indirect benefits toward elderly from childhood vaccination
Both or uncertain
44 COVID-19 vaccines for children younger than 12 years: are we ready? (58) XiaohuiZou, Bin Cao (2021) Comment 1.High disease burden 2.Provide protection against COVID−19 infection 3.Prevention of severe forms of COVID 4.Helpful in the development of herd immunity 5.Prevention of MIS-C 1.Mild infection among children 2.A large number of the population has already been exposed and developed natural immunity against the virus 1.Uncertain safety, tolerability, efficacy, and immunogenicity in youths, 2.Duration of protection by the vaccine is uncertain 3.Unknown role in the prevention of transmission Both or uncertain
45 Global ethical considerations regarding mandatory vaccination in children (59). Julian S, et al. (2021) Reflection 1.Protect against the severe form of COVID 1.Mild infection among children 2.Long-term safety unknown
3. Severe adverse events possible 4.Ethical issues/difficulties regarding mandatory vaccination 5.No role in the reduction of community transmission
46 Voluntary COVID-19 vaccination of children: a social responsibility (60). Brusa M, et al. (2021) Clinical ethics 1.High disease burden among children 2.Vaccines is having good safety and efficacy trial 3.Less number of severe adverse events following vaccination 4.Provide protection against COVID-19 infection
5. Protection against the severe form of COVID-19 6.Early reopening of school for children 7.Favorable risk-benefit ratio 8.Improve the mental health status of children 9.Beneficial for the high-risk group of children 10.Ethical issues (autonomy, justice, global justice,) social responsibility in Favor of children's vaccination
47 Vaccinating children against COVID-19—the lessons of measles (61). Klass P, et al. (2021) Perspective 1.Good protection against COVID-19 infection among children 2.Provide protection against the severe form of COVID−19 1.Early back to normal life for children 3.Faster return to pre-pandemic level in economic activity 4.Beneficial role in developing herd immunity
5. Improve the social interaction and mental health status of the children
6. Protecting children against COVID-19 infection is both an ethical obligation and a practical necessity 7.Role in reduction of household transmission of COVID-19 8.Will reduce the indirect harm of lockdown
48 Adolescents, parents, and COVID-19 vaccination—who should decide? (62) McGrew S et al. (2022) Perspective 1.Helps in early school reopening 2.Improve the mental health status of the children 1.Mild disease among children 2.Ethical issues/ difficulties of consent in adolescent COVID vaccination Favor
49 Is there a role for childhood vaccination against COVID-19? (63) Eberhardt CS, et al. (2020) Review 1.Low incidence and disease severity, 2.Less protection against the severe form of COVID-19 3.Negative effects on routine childhood vaccination 1.Unknown safety and efficacy among children, 2.Uncertain role in the prevention of COVID-19 transmission among household Against
50 Considering mandatory vaccination of children for COVID-19 (64). Plotkin SA, et al. (2021) Perspective 1.Increasing disease burden and mortality among children, 2.Faster return to prepandemic activity 3.Severe infection and MIS-C are also occurring among children 4.Role in household and community transmission 5.At least a minimal level of protection against COVID-19 6.Effective in reaching herd immunity 7.High successes record of childhood vaccination in the past 8.A well-developed infrastructure for childhood vaccination 9.School reopening 10.Prevent the emergence of a new variant of the virus 1.Asymptomatic or mild infection among children Favor
51 How can we best use COVID-19 vaccines in adolescents? An international perspective (65). Youjia Zhong et al. (2021) Commentary 1.Provide defense against the severe form of COVID-19 2.Favorable Risk-benefit analysis 3.Favorable role in developing herd immunity against COVID-19 4.Necessary for the high-risk group of children 5.No ethical problem with children's vaccination against COVID-19 1.Majority of mild infections among children 1.Unknown safety and efficacy of the vaccine 2.Uncertain protective role against PIMS Favor
52 How can we best use COVID-19 vaccines in adolescents? A perspective from the United States (66). Donna L. Tyungu et al. (2021) Commentary 1.Increasing disease burden among children 2.Provide protection against COVID-19 infection among children 3.Good defense against the severe form of COVID-19 or complication 4.Helps in school reopening 5.Faster return to pre-pandemic activity 6.Favorable Risk-benefit ratio 7.Stop emergence of new vaccine variant 8.Protection against PIMS/MIS-C among children 9.Good defense against long COVID-19 10.Have a role in the reduction of community transmission 1.Limited COVID-19 vaccine supply 1.Uncertain about the severe adverse events of the vaccine Favor
53 COVID-19 and vaccination of children and adolescents: prospects and challenges (67). Gregory D, et al. (2021) Commentary 1.High disease burden among children 2.Provide protection against COVID-19 infection 3.Provide protection against COVID-19 complications 4.Favorable for inclusion in the immunization schedule 1.Low mortality and morbidity among children, 2.Less duration of protection 3.Ethical concerns in minor vaccine trail, 4.High vaccine hesitancy 5.Problem of vaccine inequality 1.Uncertain role in lowering community transmission of COVID-19 Uncertain
54 Viewpoint of the European pediatric societies over severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (COVID-19) vaccination in children younger than age 12 years amid return to school and the surging virus variants (68). Massimo Pettoello-Mantovani (2021) Viewpoint 1.Increase in the number of cases among children 2.Provide protection against COVID−19 infection 3.Helpful in reducing the severity of COVID-19 4.Definitive role in developing herd immunity in the community 5.Stop the emergence of a new virus variant 6.Increase in MIS-C among children 1.Concern about the safety, efficacy, and quality of vaccines among children Favor
55 Education and mental health: good reasons to vaccinate children (69). Simon Cauchemez et al. (2021) Correspondence 1.Increasing disease burden among children 2.Vaccines having good safety and effectiveness among children 3.School reopening
4. Improvement of the mental health status of children
1.Problem of ethical issues related to minor vaccination 1.Uncertain about severe adverse events of the vaccine among children
2. Uncertain about prevention of transmission of the virus
56 Crossing the Rubicon: a fine line between waiting and vaccinating adolescents against COVID-19 (70). Shamez N Ladhani et al. (2021) Review 1.High disease burden 2.Direct protection against COVID 19
3. Beneficial for high-risk group children 41.Vaccines provide defense against long COVID 5.COVID vaccine has a protective role against PMIS-TS 6.Reduce hospitalization and disease burden 7.Improve the mental health status of children 8.Prevent community transmission of the virus 9.Prevent asymptomatic infection 10.Helps in school reopening
1.Mild disease among children 2.Possibility of severe adverse event 3.No role in the development of herd immunity among community 4.Not favorable risk-benefit ratio 5.High rate of adult vaccination will reduce the necessity for childhood COVID-19 vaccination 1.Limited data on population-level safety, efficacy, Both or uncertain
57 COVID-19 herd immunity by immunization: are children in the herd? (71) Stephen Obaro (2021) Comment 1.Low level of infection among children 2.Vaccine efficacy and safety are questionable among children 3.No beneficial risk-benefit ratio for childhood COVID-19 vaccination 4.Less role in developing herd immunity 5.Inversely effect routine childhood immunization 6.Ethical issues related to risk-benefit among children 7.High rate of adult vaccination will reduce the necessity for childhood COVID-19 vaccination 1.Uncertain role in the prevention of household transmission of the virus Against
58 Global Pediatric Pulmonology Alliance (GPPA) proposal for COVID-19 vaccination in children (72). Lance E. Rodewald et al. (2021) Editorial 1.Good efficacy and safety of the vaccine for children 2.Prevent COVID−19 infection among children 3.Prevent severe forms of COVID-19 infection 4.Beneficial role in the reduction of transmission of the virus in the community 5.Increasing disease burden among children, 6.New variant highly transmissible among children, 7.Increasing adult vaccination makes children vulnerable, 8.Indirect suffering of children from COVID-19 (becoming orphan, malnutrition among children, etc.) 9.Helpful for developing herd immunity 1.Mild disease among children Favor
59 Recommendations for the urgent need to vaccinate school-aged and adolescent children against COVID-19 in the Asia–Pacific region (73). Jun Kobayashi et al. (2021) Letter to Editor 1.Increase risk of infection, 2.Vaccines is having good safety and efficacy in trail 3.Less adverse events following vaccination among children 4.Helpful in school reopening 5.Prevent the development of a new variant of the virus, 6.Reduces indirect harms of lockdown 7.Severe COVID-19 cases among children, 8.Have a definitive role in the reduction of household transmission of the virus Favor
60 Children are the key to the Endgame: a case for routine pediatric COVID-19 vaccination (74). Mark R. Schleiss et al. (2021) Commentary 1.Case load is increasing, 2.Protecting role on long COVID-19 and MIS-C, 3.Severe side effects are very rare, 4.Prevent COVID-19 infection among children 5.Protective role against PIMS/MIS-C among children 6.Safety, efficacy, and effectiveness data among children are becoming available, 7.School reopening and normality like prepandemic period, Favor
8. A well-developed infrastructure for childhood vaccination will be helpful. 9.Improve the psychological status of the children following lockdown 10.Children's vaccination will reduce the necessity for the strict requirement of personal protective equipment (e.g.: masks) 11.Provide defense against long COVID-19 12.No ethical problems with children's vaccination
61 COVID-19 vaccine for children: the challenge of making a decision (75). María Elina Serra (2021) Comment 1.Helps in developing herd immunity 1.Mild form of the disease among children 2.The problem of consent among children, 3.Vaccine safety and efficacy are not very effective 1.Uncertain role in the prevention of community transmission,
2. Uncertain vaccine hesitancy 3.Uncertain risk-benefit ratio of vaccine
Both or uncertain
62 Why it is important to develop an effective and safe pediatric COVID-19 vaccine (76). Nicola Principi et al. (2021) Viewpoint 1.Increasing caseload among children, 2.Vaccines is having good efficacy and effectiveness among children 3.Indirect benefit of children's vaccination will be for elderly 4.Helps in reduction of disruption of other health care services, 1.Uncertain role in protection against PIMS/MIS-C 21.Uncertain role of the vaccine in the prevention of household transmission, Favor
63 COVID-19 vaccines for children (77). Jeffrey S. Gerber et al. (2021) Editorial 1.Increasing disease burden among children, 2.Resumption of pre-pandemic period activity among children 3.A well-developed infrastructure for childhood vaccination will be helpful 1.High Vaccine hesitancy, 2.Severe adverse is present among children following vaccination 1.Uncertain safety, efficacy, and effectives of the vaccine among children Both or uncertain
64 Expert consensus on COVID-19 vaccination in children (78). Yue-Jie Zheng et al. (2021) Editorial 1.Increasing disease burden, 2.Helpful in developing herd immunity 3.Vaccine has a role in the prevention of community transmission, 4.The vaccine is safe and less adverse effects among children, 5.Stop emergence of new vaccine variant Favor