Table 1.
Subgroup | Frequency* days weekly |
Points [95% CI]
IPD (RCTs) |
Intensity* hours weekly |
Points [95% CI]
IPD (RCTs) |
Dosage* total SLT-hours |
Points [95% CI]
IPD (RCTs) |
Overall-language ability: WAB-AQ 0–100 points | ||||||
⩽ 65 years | 5 (⩾ 3-to-5) | 15.1 [8.2, 22.1] IPD 107 (6) |
> 9 (< 2) | 17.0 [10.0, 24.0] IPD 78 (3) |
20-to-50 (> 50) | 23.4 [13.5, 33.3] IPD 15(3) |
> 65 years | ⩾ 5 (4) | 17.2 [3.9, 30.5] IPD 10 (2) |
up to 2 (3-to-4) | 16.9 [3.8, 30.0] IPD 37 (3) |
20-to-50 (14-to-20) | 15.95 [5.1, 26.8] IPD 16(4) |
SLT ⩽ 3 months | 5 (⩾ 4) | 27.7 [3.6, 51.9] IPD 3 (1) |
up to 2 (3-to-4 and > 9) | 24.3 [13.4, 35.2] IPD 62 (2) |
20-to-50 | 27.5 [18.3, 36.7] IPD 27(3) |
SLT > 3 months | 5 (⩾ 4) | 6.32 [1.6, 11.1] IPD 44 (1) |
3-to-4 (> 9) | 6.3 [2.2, 10.3] IPD 25 (2) |
⩾ 50 | 10.1 [4.2, 16.0] IPD 15 (1) |
Severe–moderate aphasia | 4 (2-to > 5) | 18.3 [8.0, 28.5] IPD 38 (5) |
3-to-4 (up to 2 and > 9) | 20.0 [10.4, 28.8] IPD 48 (3) |
20-to-50 (5-to-50) | 23.5 [13.5, 33.5] IPD 23 (3) |
Mild–moderate aphasia | > 5 (2-to > 5) | 9.9 [4.4, 15.3] IPD 16 (2) |
> 9 (up to 2 and > 3) | 8.0 [3.4, 12.6] IPD 48 (3) |
20-to-50 (5-to-50) | 8.7 [2.0, 15.5] IPD 8 (2) |
Female | 5 (2-to > 5) | 24.2 [7.7, 40.7] IPD 5 (2) |
up to 2 (2 to > 9) | 18.5 [7.5, 29.6] IPD 37 (3) |
20-to-50 | 24.4 [12.2, 36.5] IPD 13 (2) |
Male | ⩾ 5 (⩾ 4) | 13.6 [4.3, 22.9] IPD 21 (2) |
> 9 (up to 2 and 3-to-4) | 15.1 [7.9, 22.3] IPD 61 (3) |
20-to-50 (2-to-20) | 15.6 [6.2, 25.0] IPD 18 (4) |
Auditory comprehension: AAT-TT 0–50 points | ||||||
⩽ 65 years | 4 (5) | 6.8 [2.3, 11.2] IPD 64 (5) |
> 9 | 9.0 [5.4, 12.6] IPD 108 (4) |
20-to-50 | 6.1 [1.8, 10.4] IPD 59(6) |
> 65 years | 4 | 8.5 [2.0, 14.9] IPD 50 (3) |
> 9 | 5.3 [0.7, 10.0] IPD 33(6) |
20-to-50 | 5.8 [1.3, 10.2] IPD 34(7) |
SLT ⩽ 3 months | NS | NS | > 9 | 9.3 [2.1, 16.5] IPD 20 (2) |
NS | NS |
SLT > 3 months | 5 (4) | 3.7 [1.4, 6.0] IPD 89 (5) |
> 9 | 4.6 [2.4, 6.8] IPD 121 (4) |
⩾ 50 (> 14-to-50) | 4.2 [1.7, 6.7] IPD 76 (3) |
Severe–moderate aphasia | 4 | 8.5 [3.7, 13.3] IPD 80 (5) |
> 9 (up to 2) | 9.1 [2.6, 15.6] IPD 9 (2) |
⩾ 50 (> 14-to-20) | 8.9 [4.5, 13.3] IPD 142 (6) |
Mild–moderate Aphasia | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
Female | 4 (5) | 8.1 [2.7, 13.6] IPD 52 (5) |
up to 2 (3-to-4 and > 9) | 7.9 [1.8, 14.0] IPD 10 (2) |
⩾ 50 (20-to-50) | 7.0 [2.9, 11.2] IPD 77 (6) |
Male | 5 (4) | 5.1 [1.4, 8.7] IPD 99 (8) |
> 9 (3-to-4) | 7.6 [3.8, 11.5] IPD 91 (6) |
20-to-50 | 6.5 [1.8, 11.2] IPD 56 (7) |
Functional communication: AAT-SSC, score 0–5 points | ||||||
⩽ 65 years | ⩾ 5 | 1.2 [0.3, 2.1] IPD 3 (2) |
3-to-4 | 0.9 [0.5, 1.2] IPD 74 (5) |
14-to-20 (⩾ 50) | 1.1 [0.5, 1.8] IPD 6 (3) |
> 65 years | 4 (5) | 0.8 [0.2, 1.4] IPD 54 (3) |
up to 2 | 1.0 [0.4, 1.6] IPD 41 (4) |
20-to-50 (> 5-to-14) | 0.86 [0.4, 1.4] IPD 31(9) |
SLT ⩽ 3 months | 4 | 1.6 [ 0.6, 2.5] IPD 80 (1) |
up to 3 | 1.3 [0.6, 1.9] IPD 57 (2) |
20-to-50 | 1.2 [0.7, 1.8] IPD 31 (3) |
SLT > 3 months | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
Severe–moderate aphasia | 4 | 1.0 [0.5, 1.5] IPD 55 (2) |
< 2-to-3 | 1.0 [0.3, 1.6] IPD 42 (3) |
⩾ 50 (14-to-20) | 1.1 [0.4, 1.8] IPD 9 (3) |
Mild–moderate aphasia | > 5 (⩾ 4) | 0.7 [0.4, 1.0] IPD 55 (8) |
> 9 (< 2 and > 4) | 0.63 [0.26, 1.0] IPD 27 (4) |
> 14-to-20 (⩾ 50) | 0.7 [0.2, 1.2] IPD 8 (3) |
Female | 4 (3) | 1.0 [0.2, 1.8] IPD 49(3) |
up to 2 | 1.2 [0.5, 1.8] IPD 39(4) |
> 14-to-20 (5-to-⩾ 50) | 1.6 [0.6, 2.6] IPD 4 (2) |
Male | > 5 | 0.8 [0.1, 1.5] IPD 6(3) |
3-to-4 (> 9) | 0.7 [0.4, 0.9] IPD 97(5) |
⩾ 50 (20-to-50) | 0.7 [0.5, 0.9] IPD 93 (6) |
Key: MD mean difference. Underline text > 50% relative covariance reported for completeness. Bold refers to greatest gain associations. Italics refer to clinically similar gains.