DNA sequence alignments showing the nonframeshift indels found in this study. (A) 9-bp deletion at 804–812 bp of TAS1R1 exon 6 in Lutra lutra. (B) 3-bp deletion at 110–112 bp of TAS1R2 exon 2 in Lutra lutra. (C) 3-bp insertion between 547 and 548 bp of TAS1R2 exon 3 in Enhydra lutris, Amblonyx cinereus (1, LC654484; 2, JN130352), Lontra canadensis, and Lontra longicaudis; note that Lutra lutra has instead a 4-bp frameshift insertion, which is reported in Fig. 1I. (D) 3-bp insertion between 741 and 742 bp of TAS1R2 exon 3 in all arctoids for which this part was sequenced (for Amblonyx cinereus: 1, LC654484; 2, JN130352); note that the ACC sequence prevails and is also consistently present in pinnipeds (Wolsan and Sato 2020: Fig. S2), which suggests that the GCC sequence in Ailurus fulgens and Ursus maritimus has evolved by a secondary substitution of A to G and the ACG sequence in Mephitis mephitis by secondary substitution of C to G. (E) 3-base insertion between 308 and 309 bp of TAS1R2 exon 6 in Lontra longicaudis. (F) 6-bp insertion between 859 and 860 bp of TAS1R2 exon 6 in Amblonyx cinereus. (G) 3-bp insertion between 20 and 21 bp of TAS1R3 exon 1 in Procyon lotor. Base-pair position numbering refers to the aligned Canis familiaris sequence, starts from the 5ʹ end of each exon separately, and is from left to right. Codons in the correct open reading frame are separated by spaces.