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. 2022 Nov 9;13:1019554. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.1019554

Table 4.

Typical elements of facial training against facial synkinesis based on this review.

Element Comment
EMG feedback exercises Use of surface EMG for visual and/or auditory feedback of muscle activity simultaneously recorded from facial muscles/movement to be trained and facial muscles whose synkinetic activity should be reduced.
Aim: Improvement of facial movement control while reducing synkinetic movements.
Mirror exercises In front of a mirror: soft specific movement (for instance, showing teeth), holding the position for 5 sec, then relaxing; and trying not to close the eye.
Aim: Improvement of facial movement control
Other active exercises Soft specific movement (for instance, closing the eye), holding the position for 5 sec, then relaxing; Hand on synkinetic area (for instance, corner of the mouth)
Aim: Improvement of facial movement control.
Mime therapy Combination of physiotherapy and mime training
Aim: Improving symmetry of the face both at rest and during movement, simultaneously controlling synkinesis.
Passive exercises, stretching and massage Stretching individual muscles, holding 10–30 s
Aim: Reducing muscle tension
Tactile or vibratory stimulation Hands or devices are used for sensory stimulation of the facial skin
Aim: Hypothesis: Sensory perception and sensory stimulation should promote motor skills. More studies are needed to confirm such an effect.
Combination with botulinum toxin injections Botulinum toxin injection into facial muscle whose synkinetic activity should be reduced before starting the facial training
Aim: Making the exercises easier for the patient; improvement of facial movement control
Other issues
Training session length 45–60 min, but also intensive training for 180 min established
Overall duration of the training Typically over months, 10-day intensive training also established. Optimal duration not yet well studied.
Home exercises If the patient shows improvement of facial movement control, home exercises can consolidate the therapeutic effect. 3–5 exercises twice daily. The additional effect of home training has still not been very well studied.
Telemedicine Substitution of on-site training with therapist. The equivalence of telemedicine training has still not been very well studied.