CD47 restricts the antiviral activity of alveolar macrophages independent of SIRPα
At day 3 after influenza virus infection mice were i.n. treated with pH sensitive fluorescent particles and the phagocytosis of particles by aMФ was determined via flow cytometry after 1 h.
(A) The uptake of fluorescent particles is shown in representative histograms.
(B) The mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) for FITC of aMФ was determined (n = 10).
(C) The viral load in the lung of WT and SIRPα−/− mice was assessed by plaque assay 7 dpi. Representative results from one of two independent experiments are shown.
Data shown are mean ± SEM. Mann-Whitney test was performed. ∗∗∗∗ = p < 0.0001.