Figure 1. Change in Subjective Views on Aging between 2012 and 2020.
Note. Time unit is years (since 2012). ATOA = attitude toward own aging. Subjective age was computed as a proportional discrepancy score (Rubin & Berntsen, 2006), corresponding to the extent felt age deviates from chronological age (subjective age = [felt age – chronological age]/chronological age), with scores indicating a person’s felt age as a percentage of their chronological age. The solid lines correspond to the mean-level change in VoA according to a model with an additional pandemic-specific change component between 2017 (pre-pandemic measurement occasion) and 2020 (time of the first COVID-19 infection wave) in addition to an overall linear change component across the entire time period of 8 years. The dashed lines correspond to the mean change in VoA according to a model with only one linear change component across the entire 8-year time period.