-Oral or injectable material: chloroquine, detergents, hormones, kerosene, lead, metal salts, oral contraceptive pills, phosphorus, teas/herbal remedies, turpentine, uterine stimulants (misoprostol or oxytocin)
-Preparation placed in the cervix, vagina, or rectum: enemas, herbal preparations, misoprostol, potassium permanganate tablets
-Intrauterine instrumentation: catheter insertion and infusion of substance (alcohol, saline), foreign body insertion (knitting needles, stitch hook, coat hanger, air blown through a syringe)
-Transcervical introduction of substances: Cresol, phenol, soap
-Trauma to abdomen or back: Abdominal massage, jumping from a height, lifting heavy weights, self-inflicted blows
-Retained products of conception
-Misdiagnosed ectopic pregnancy
-Uterine perforation
-Retained cervical dilator
-Amniotic fluid embolism
-Misoprostol/substance toxicity
-Post-abortion infection and endometritis