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. 2022 Nov 22;11:e81498. doi: 10.7554/eLife.81498

Table 2. Association between GDM risk factors and GDM-related traits: results from multivariate models in START and BiB cohorts.

Dependent variable Independent variables START BiB Meta-analysis
Beta/OR [95% CI] p Value Beta/OR [95% CI] p Value Beta (SE)/OR [95% CI] p Value I2 QE p value
Fasting glucose PRS (per 1 SD increase) 0.083 [0.043–0.123] 6.00×10–05 0.085 [0.065–0.105] 1.67×10–16 0.085 [0.067–0.103] 2.85×10–20 0 0.92
Age (year) 0.021 [0.01–0.032] 2.00×10–04 0.014 [0.009–0.019] 2.49×10–08 0.015 [0.011–0.02] 4.19×10–11 22 0.26
BMI (kg/m2) 0.024 [0.014–0.033] 5.51×10–07 0.032 [0.028–0.036] 6.53×10–53 0.031 [0.027–0.034] 7.99×10–60 63 0.1
Born in South Asia (Yes/No) 0.037 [−0.088 to 0.162] 0.56 0.08 [0.039–0.122] 2.00×10–04 0.076 [0.037–0.115] 2.00×10–04 0 0.52
Parental history of T2D (Yes/No) 0.04 [−0.043 to 0.123] 0.34 0.066 [0.02–0.111] 0.005 0.06 [0.02–0.1] 0.003 0 0.6
Parity –0.046 [−0.102 to 0.01] 0.11 –0.015 [−0.033 to 0.004] 0.13 –0.018 [−0.036 to 0] 0.05 9 0.29
Education level (per level) –0.031 [−0.068 to 0.006] 0.1 –0.016 [−0.035 to 0.002] 0.09 –0.019 [−0.036 to −0.002] 0.02 0 0.49
Low diet quality (Yes/No) 0.102 [0.01–0.193] 0.03
2 hr postload glucose PRS (per 1 SD increase) 0.189 [0.068–0.311] 0.002 0.211 [0.156–0.266] 7.87×10–14 0.207 [0.157–0.257] 5.49×10–16 0 0.75
Age (year) 0.127 [0.093–0.161] 8.34×10–13 0.068 [0.055–0.082] 8.82×10–23 0.076 [0.064–0.089] 1.49×10–32 90 0.002
BMI (kg/m2) 0.047 [0.019–0.074] 0.001 0.064 [0.053–0.075] 1.43×10–29 0.062 [0.051–0.072] 3.44×10–32 23 0.25
Born in South Asia (Yes/No) 0.298 [−0.08 to 0.675] 0.12 0.308 [0.195–0.422] 1.14×10–07 0.308 [0.199–0.416] 3.09×10–08 0 0.96
Parental history of T2D (Yes/No) 0.361 [0.109–0.613] 0.005 0.242 [0.117–0.366] 1.00×10–04 0.265 [0.154–0.377] 3.23×10–06 0 0.4
Parity –0.279 [−0.45 to −0.109] 0.001 –0.095 [−0.146 to −0.043] 3.00×10–04 –0.11 [−0.16 to −0.061] 1.00×10–05 76 0.04
Education level (per level) –0.063 [−0.176 to 0.051] 0.28 –0.073 [−0.124 to −0.022] 0.005 –0.071 [−0.118 to −0.025] 0.002 0 0.87
Low diet quality (Yes/No) 0.365 [0.086–0.644] 0.01
AUC glucose PRS (per 1 SD increase) 0.165 [0.099–0.231] 1.08×10–06 0.152 [0.119–0.185] 2.50×10–19 0.155 [0.125–0.184] 7.74×10–25 0 0.74
Age (per year) 0.068 [0.05–0.087] 1.16×10–12 0.043 [0.035–0.051] 1.01×10–24 0.047 [0.039–0.054] 3.34×10–35 84 0.01
BMI (kg/m2) 0.047 [0.032–0.062] 2.12×10–09 0.047 [0.041–0.054] 8.89×10–44 0.047 [0.041–0.053] 4.27×10–53 0 0.94
Born in South Asia (Yes/No) 0.081 [−0.123 to 0.285] 0.44 0.201 [0.133–0.269] 8.15×10–09 0.189 [0.124–0.253] 1.01×10–08 17 0.27
Parental history of T2D (Yes/No) 0.122 [−0.015 to 0.258] 0.08 0.138 [0.063–0.213] 3.00×10–04 0.134 [0.069–0.2] 6.00×10–05 0 0.83
Parity –0.122 [−0.214 to −0.029] 0.01 –0.057 [−0.088 to −0.026] 3.00×10–04 –0.063 [−0.093 to −0.034] 2.00×10–05 41 0.19
Education level (per level) –0.045 [−0.106 to 0.016] 0.15 –0.045 [−0.075 to −0.014] 0.004 –0.045 [−0.072 to −0.017] 0.001 0 0.99
Low diet quality (Yes/No) 0.215 [0.064–0.366] 0.005
GDM (IADPSG criteria) PRS (per 1 SD increase) 1.56 [1.3–1.88] 2.97×10–06 1.42 [1.27–1.59] 1.09×10–09 1.45 [1.32–1.6] 2.27×10–14 0 0.4
Age (year) 1.13 [1.07–1.19] 2.50×10–06 1.1 [1.07–1.13] 1.07×10–13 1.11 [1.08–1.13] 1.98×10–18 0 0.4
BMI (kg/m2) 1.08 [1.04–1.12] 1.00×10–04 1.08 [1.06–1.11] 1.01×10–14 1.08 [1.06–1.1] 6.25×10–18 0 0.87
Born in South Asia (Yes/No) 1.35 [0.78–2.43] 0.3 1.72 [1.35–2.19] 1.00×10–05 1.65 [1.33–2.06] 8.37×10–06 0 0.44
Parental history of T2D (Yes/No) 1.67 [1.17–2.38] 0.005 1.53 [1.21–1.94] 5.00×10–04 1.57 [1.29–1.92] 7.06×10–06 0 0.69
Parity 0.86 [0.68–1.09] 0.23 0.87 [0.79–0.95] 0.003 0.87 [0.79–0.95] 0.001 0 0.99
Education level (per level) 0.89 [0.76–1.05] 0.18 0.9 [0.81–0.99] 0.04 0.9 [0.82–0.98] 0.01 0 0.96
Low diet quality (Yes/No) 1.68 [1.14–2.47] 0.008

Models were additionally adjusted for the first five principal components (PCs) of each study. Abbreviations: BiB, Born in Bradford; BMI, Body mass index; CI, Confidence interval; GDM, Gestational diabetes mellitus; IADPSG, International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups; OR, Odds ratio; QE P, P-value from the test for (residual) heterogeneity; SA, South Asia; SD, Standard deviation; START, South Asian birth cohort; T2D, Type 2 diabetes.