Figure 7. While long-term phenotypic adaptation arises from an excess in fixations of aligned relative to opposing alleles, this excess and its effect on the total number of fixations is typically small.
(A) The fixation probabilities of aligned and opposing alleles segregating before the shift, as a function of their effect size squared. Simulation results were generated using the single alleles simulation, as detailed in Simulations and resources; error bars are not visible because they are smaller than the points. Analytic predictions in all panels were calculated using the nonlinear Lande approximation derived in Section 5.3 of Appendix 3. For large effect sizes, the fixation probabilities become vanishingly small, whereas for small and moderate effect sizes, the difference in the fixation probabilities of alleles with opposing effects is small. (B) The relative excess of fixations of aligned alleles as a function of effect size squared. (C) Polygenic adaptation typically adds a small number of fixations relative to the number at equilibrium. For large effect sizes, the relative increase in number is large, but their absolute number and the corresponding contribution to phenotypic adaptation are extremely small.