a, Sugar intake by dye assay. n = 8 w1118, n = 9 AKH−/−. b, Consumption preference, n = 17 AKH>, n = 20 AKH>AKHiKK, n = 20 AKHts>, n = 28 AKHts>AKHiKK. c, Heat map of 30 min tracking of 12 females per genotype. Ratio of time spent on yeast versus sugar patches, n = 3. d,e, Sugar and yeast intake using dye assay, at 29 °C for TrpA1 activation. d, n = 12 AKH>, n = 14 AKH>TrpA1, n = 15 AKH>TrpA1+AKH, n = 15 AKH>TrpA1+AKHi. e, n = 15 AKH>, n = 8 AKH>TrpA1, n = 7 AKH>TrpA1+AKH, n = 15 AKH>TrpA1+AKHi. f, Yeast intake measured by CAFÉ assay. n = 6 AKH>, n = 15 AKH>AKHiKK, n = 17 w1118, n = 16 AKH−/−. g, APCs staining and cell activity, left two panels show n = APCs from 18 w1118 virgins, n = 18 w1118 females mated to SP-deficient males (SP0/Df(3L)delta130), n = 16 w1118 females mated to SP+ males. Right two panels show n = 15 w1118 virgins without NPF injection, n = 13 w1118 virgins with NPF injection. h, AKH staining intensity in mated females with SPR knockdown in the ppk+ neurons with or without NPF injection, n = 17 ppk>SPRi mated females, n = 13 ppk>SPRi mated females with NPF injection. i, Yeast consumption measured by dye assay, n = 18 w1118 virgins, n = 16 AKH−/− virgins, n = 10 mated w1118 females, n = 16 mated AKH−/− females. j, Consumption preference using the two-choice dye assay; n = 17 w1118 virgins, n = 24 AKH−/− virgins, n = 19 mated w1118 females, n = 22 mated AKH−/− females. k, Cumulative behavioural preference using flyPAD. Lines represent means, and shading indicates s.e.m., n = 21 w1118 virgins, n = 22 AKH−/− virgins, n = 23 mated w1118 females, n = 20 mated AKH−/− females. l, Preference measured using the two-choice dye assay at 29 °C for TrpA1 activation, n = 23 AKH> virgins, n = 42 AKH>, n = 22 AKH>TrpA1, n = 24 AKH>AKHi mated females. m, A model of the NPF-AKH axis. Bars represent mean ± s.e.m. Box plots indicate minimum, 25th percentile, media, 75th percentile and maximum. Inj., injection; NS, not significant. a,b (right), c,f, Two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test. b (left), g (right), h, Two-tailed unpaired Mann–Whitney U-test. d,e,g (left), i,k, One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test. j, One-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparison test or Kruskal–Wallis with Dunn’s multiple-comparisons test. l, One-way Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA with Dunn’s multiple-comparisons test.
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