Figure 5.
Specific influencesofreproductive factors on multi-omic data in the initial study cohort
The factors shown are marriage (A), age at vaginal sexual debut (B), pregnancy history (C), number of vaginal deliveries (D), number of cesarean deliveries (E), current breastfeeding (F), oral contraceptives (G), days since last menstrual bleeding (H), and dysmenorrhea (I). The bars are colored according to the type of omic data, as shown in Figure 3. The metabolites such as amino acids, hormones, and vitamins were measured in plasma, and trace elements were measured in whole blood. The blood biochemistry such as alkaline phosphatase, fasting blood sugar, direct bilirubin, creatinine, total bilirubin, and HDL was measured in serum. Each covariate from the multi-omic data is detailed in Table S1. The length of the bars represents the Spearman’s correlation coefficient between the respective factor and the multi-omic data. Average rank selects 13,425 edges from 66,301 associations, including 523 edges for vagino-cervical microbiome, 11,775 for fecal microbiome, 321 for metabolites, 280 for medical test, 70 for physical fitness test, 137 for facial skin feature, and 319 for lifestyle questionnaire. +, 0.05 ≤ Q < 0.1; *, Q < 0.05; **, Q < 0.01; ***, Q < 0.001; ****, Q < 0.0001; *****, Q < 0.00001.