Fig. 5. TS-score reflects the stromal histological patterns associated with the pCR.
The underlying histological patterns of TS-score characterizing at the patch-level (a, b) and WSI-level (c–e). a Tiles with extremal TS-scores associated with pCR and non-pCR were extracted to be reviewed by a pathologist. Scale bars, 233 μm. b The distribution of tiles with different stromal type between extremal high TS-score and low TS-score group. c Examples of different stromal type: collagen-dominant stromal (C type), fibroblast-dominant stroma (F type), lymphocyte-dominant stroma (L type). Scale bars, 100 μm. d The distributions of TS-scores among the three stromal type evaluated at WSI-level. e The different percentage of the three stromal type between pCR and non-pCR group.