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. 2022 Nov 21:1–22. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1007/s12144-022-03767-8

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics for the used scales

Variable Example of item No. items Scale range Min Max Mean SD S K α M icc
Core elements of an effective and successful leadership
Task performance (IWPQ) During the past three months…

I was able to plan my work so that I finished it on


5 0–4 0.60 4.00 2.68 0.57 -0.34 0.45 0.72 0.35
Perceived stress (PSS10)

In the last month…

How often have you felt stressed?

10 0–28 1.00 27.00 12.82 4.52 0.13 -0.02 0.79 0.28
Work engagement (UWES-9) I am enthusiastic about my job 9 0–6 1.33 6.00 4.48 0.77 -0.79 1.22 0.89 0.48

Traits and resources

Trait emotional intelligence

Global trait EI (TEIQue-SF)

Expressing my emotions with words is not a

problem for me

30 1–7 4.00 6.73 5.80 0.42 -0.55 0.96 0.80 0.13
Leadership competence (LIQ3)
Emotional competence I inspire others to be creative 7 1–7 2.29 6.71 5.42 0.61 -0.66 1.42 0.67 0.25
Spiritual competence I act in accordance with my values 7 1–7 2.86 7.00 5.89 0.57 -0.89 2.22 0.67 0.22
Rational competence

I specify strategies to achieve the

goals set

7 1–7 2.43 7.00 4.93 0.75 -0.30 0.36 0.70 0.27
Coping resources (CRI) During past six months…

I actively look for the positive side

of people and situations

9 9–36 17 36 28.86 3.57 -0.39 0.11 0.78 0.30

I am part of a group, other than my family, that

cares about me

13 13–52 24 48 39.18 4.17 -0.19 -0.07 0.80 0.24
Emotional I can show it when I am sad 16 16–64 26 63 45.48 6.32 0.003 -0.45 0.84 0.24
Spiritual/Philosophical I accept problems that I cannot change 11 11–44 20 43 27.45 4.12 1.01 1.41 0.69 0.17
Physical I have plenty of energy 11 11–44 15 44 29.47 5.40 0.03 -0.39 0.82 0.30
Empathy (IRI)
Empathic concern

I often have tender, concerned feelings for people

less fortunate than me

7 0–28 9.00 28.00 21.79 3.48 -0.51 0.44 0.69 0.26
Perspective taking I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective 7 0–28 6.00 28.00 21.15 3.58 -0.63 1.12 0.76 0.32
Vulnerable (HSNS)

My feelings are easily hurt by ridicule or the

slighting remarks of others

10 10–50 10 38 20.97 5.12 0.43 0.12 0.73 0.23
Grandiose (SD3) People see me as a natural leader 5 1–5 1.00 5.00 2.33 0.67 0.45 0.41 0.62 0.26
Personality traits (Mini-IPIP6)
Neuroticism I have frequent mood swings 4 1–7 1.00 6.75 2.72 1.03 0.65 0.67 0.69 0.37
Extraversion I am the life of the party 4 1–7 1.50 7.00 4.53 1.17 -0.21 -0.40 0.70 0.37
Openness to experience I have a vivid imagination 3 1–7 2.67 7.00 5.84 1.04 -0.76 -0.34 0.61 0.35
Agreeableness I sympathize with others’ feelings 4 1–7 3.00 7.00 5.76 0.79 -0.60 -0.04 0.64 0.31
Conscientiousness I like order 4 1–7 1.75 7.00 5.55 1.04 -0.81 0.28 0.73 0.40
Honesty-Humility I deserve more things in life (R) 4 1–7 2.00 7.00 5.52 1.08 -0.58 -0.35 0.64 0.31
Self-esteem (PBSE)



I think that I sometimes try to prove my worth

by being competent

4 1–5 1.00 5.00 2.89 0.95 -0.04 -0.72 0.81 0.51
Social desirability (BIDR6)
Self-deceptive enhancement I am very confident in my judgments 8 1–7 2.13 6.50 4.52 0.75 -0.06 -0.03 0.70 0.23
Impression management There have been occasions when I have taken advantage of someone 8 1–7 1.88 7.00 5.04 0.89 -0.32 -0.16 0.67 0.20

Notes: See the Materials and Methods for the abbreviations and a description of the used instruments. S = skewness. K = kurtosis. α = Cronbach’s alpha. Micc = mean inter-item correlation. R = reversed. In the current study, two scales (Emotional competence and Spiritual competence) from the LIQ3 were strongly correlated (0.53) and have been combined to one measure of Compassionate leadership competence by an averaging the scales’ means