Forest plot showing the event rates, adjusted hazard ratios, and the absolute risk reduction for 1-year mortality stratified by different risk stratification rules in those with Child-Pugh B cirrhosis.
Adjusted hazard ratios and absolute risk reduction with 95% CIs indicate the effect of pre-emptive TIPS vs. drug plus endoscopic therapy (as reference) on 1-year mortality, which are derived from multivariable competing risk regression models, adjusted for propensity score within each risk category. p values for interaction were 0.176, 0.079 and 0.008, respectively, in multiplicative scale, and 0.006, 0.012 and <0.001 in additive scale (multivariable competing risk regression analysis). Child B8-9 + AB criteria: Low risk: Child-Pugh B without active bleeding and Child-Pugh B7 with active bleeding; High risk: Child-Pugh B8-9 with active bleeding at endoscopy. CLIF-C ADs, Chronic Liver Failure-Consortium acute decompensation score; p-TIPS, pre-emptive transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.