Fig. 4.
Differential transcriptome analysis of obese endometrial epithelia. A Principal component analysis of gene expression data of sorted endometrial epithelia from control diet and high-fat diet. B Volcano plot of expressed genes. Significant differentially expressed genes (FDR < 0.05) among epithelia are highlighted in red. Genes with FDR < 0.001 are denoted with gene symbols. C Heatmap of 105 significant differentially expressed genes in all samples. D Enrichment analysis for GO biological processes for upregulated genes (n = 49) (left) or downregulated genes (n = 56) (right). E Correlation between glucose tolerance (measurement at 30 min) and expression of S100a8 (left) and S100a9 (right). Statistic is Pearson’s correlation. F Enrichment of differentially expressed genes in high-fat epithelia for differentially expressed genes in PIK3CA/ARID1A mutant (orange), PIK3CA/TP53 mutant (blue) or BRG1 mutant (purple) epithelia from previously published studies. Statistic is hypergeometric enrichment. G Proportional Euler diagram of overlap between differentially expressed genes in high-fat diet vs. control diet epithelia (n = 105) and PIK3CA/ARID1A mutant vs. control epithelia (n = 3,371). Statistic is hypergeometric enrichment. H Heatmap of fold change values for overlapping genes from panel G. I Enrichment analysis for GO biological processes with overlapping genes from panel G. J Broad GSEA results for high-fat diet vs. control diet epithelia (x-axis) and PIK3CA/ARID1A mutant vs. control epithelia (y-axis). Pathways of interest are highlighted in red