Table 1.
Percent lowering of worldwide neonatal mortality rate X 1,000 live births: 1990 vs 2019 (mean values)
WORLD AREA | 1990 | 2019 | Δ % |
Sub Saharian Africa | 42.3 | 27.5 | - 35.0 |
West and Central Africa | 48.0 | 30.8 | - 35.9 |
Eastern and Southern Africa | 42.7 | 23.8 | - 44.3 |
Middle East and North Africa | 27.8 | 12.3 | - 55.8 |
South Asia | 58.7 | 25.1 | - 57.2 |
East Asia and Pacific | 27.5 | 7.2 | - 73.8 |
Latin American and Caribbean | 22.5 | 9.1 | - 59.6 |
North America | 5.6 | 3.7 | - 34.0 |
Europe and Central Asia | 14.0 | 4.4 | - 68.6 |
Eastern Europe and Central Asia | 20.5 | 6.0 | - 70.7 |
Western Europe | 5.6 | 2.3 | - 58.9 |
World | 36.6 | 17.5 | - 52.2 |
(from WHO (3), modified)