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. 2022 Nov 14;12(22):3144. doi: 10.3390/ani12223144

Table 2.

Characteristics of studies included in the systematic review on therapeutic ultrasound used for musculoskeletal conditions in horses and donkeys. TU, therapeutic ultrasound; US, ultrasound; HQW, hind quarter weakness; NI, no information.

Main Author [Ref.]
Publication Year
Study Design Study Population Therapeutic Ultrasound: No. of Sessions
and Duration
TU Frequency Intensity
Controls Outcome Variables Main Results Study Risk of Bias
Muscle and tendon temperature
Adair [37]
Experimental, before-after design 10 healthy mares One 10-min
Mode NI
1 MHz
1–2 W/cm2
Baseline temperature Temperature measured by a thermistor at different depths in epaxial muscles Muscle temperature rise at the end of treatment 1.2–2.5 °C, highest at 1 and 5 cm depth Low
Montgomery [38]
before-after design
10 healthy horses Tendons:
One 10-min session
Continuous mode
3.3 MHz
Comparing 1.0 with 1.5 W/cm2
Epaxial muscles:
One 20-min session
Continuous mode
3.3 MHz
1.5 W/cm2
Baseline temperature Temperature monitored by a thermistor in the superficial and deep flexor tendons of the thoracic limb and in epaxial muscles The temperature rises at the end of treatment 2.5–5.2 °C in tendons (therapeutic temperature rise according to authors) and 0.7–1.3 °C in epaxial muscles (non-therapeutic temperature rise) Low
Tendon and ligament injury and bursitis
Lang [16]
Clinical cohort without controls 10 horses with synovitis and bursitis 1–8 sessions, duration and intervals not specified.
Pulsed mode
TU frequency NI
Intensity 3 W/cm2
None Clinical examinations with an assessment of swelling, pain, activity, and function at an unspecified time point.
Radiography as needed
5/10 horses fully resolved at end of treatment High
(heterogeneous cohort, follow-up not systematic)
Fernandes [39]
randomized controlled trial
18 horses with collagen-induced injuries of superficial digital flexor tendon 8 sessions
2 intervention groups, one with continuous and one with pulsed mode
3 MHz
1 W/cm2
Device switched off 40 days’ follow-up
Clinical examinations UltrasonographyHistology
Regression of clinical signs was detected on average in 9 days in horses receiving continuous US, 12 days in horses receiving pulsed mode US, and 21 days in controls. Decreases in clinical severity by ultrasonography after 40 days were 42.5%, 57.7%, and 34.1% in the three groups, respectively.
Intense neovascularization and fibroblastic activity in US-treated groups compared with controls
Sharifi [40]
non-randomized controls
8 castrated horses with experimentally induced lacerations of the superficial digital flexor tendon of the right hind limb Daily 10-min sessions for 14 days
3 MHz
Intensity 1 W/Esq
Non-treated horses Clinical assessment and hydroxyproline content in the lacerated tendon at 60 days Local tenderness and swelling were reported as less severe in treated limbs.
Significantly less decline in tendon hydroxyproline tendon content in the treated limb, indicating improved tendon regeneration
Carrozzo [41]
Clinical cohort without controls 23 client-owned sport horses with
injuries to the suspensory ligament
6 sessions 1st week, thereafter 3–6 sessions per week for 2–3 weeks
6 min
38 kHz
Intensity NI
None Clinical evaluation
Time to healing by diagnostic ultrasound
Return to competition status
20/23 horses showed healing by diagnostic ultrasound and returned to competition status High
Acute aseptic arthritis
Singh [19]
Singh [20]
Experimental, randomized controlled trial 8 donkeys with aseptic arthritis induced in the left carpal joint Daily 10-min sessions for 7 days
Pulsed mode
1 MHz
1.0–1.5 W/cm2
Untreated donkeys 30-day follow-up
Rectal temperature, respiratory rate, pulse rate, and joint circumference. Synovial biopsies. Clinical assessments Histopathology and histochemistry
Earlier improvement of lameness, faster reduction of joint swelling, and less pain on flexion in TU-treated donkeys than in non-treated donkeys. Synovial cytological and biochemical parameters indicate less inflammation in the TU group.
Histomorphology: Improved healing and fewer signs of cartilage degeneration in TU-treated donkeys
(only four donkeys in each group)
Back muscle pain [myositis]
Mercado [42]
Clinical cohort, non-randomized controls 63 showjumpers with back pain (longissimus dorsi muscle) Daily 20-min sessions for 30 days
Pulsed mode
TU frequency NI
3.5 W/cm2
TU alone compared with (a) TENS and (b) TU plus TENS Weekly clinical assessments and ultrasonography, 28-day follow-up Nearly total recovery at 28 days in the TU alone group, faster than with TENS treatment alone, but slower than in the group with TU combined with TENS Moderate
(no non-treated controls)
Spinal and other bone and joint lesions
Lang [16]
Clinical cohort without controls 30 horses with various types and locations of spinal and other bone and joint lesions 1–8 sessions, duration and intervals not specified.
Pulsed mode
TU frequency NI
3 W/cm2
None Clinical examinations with an assessment of swelling, pain, activity, and function at an unspecified time point.
Radiography as needed
24/30 horses fully resolved at end of treatment (unspecified time point) High
(heterogeneous cohort, follow-up not systematic, no controls)