Phylogenetic whole genome analysis of 79 phages infecting Erwinia spp., Dickeya spp., Pantoea spp., and Pectobacterium spp. (a) The phylogenetic tree was constructed using Virus Classification and Tree Building Online Resource (VICTOR). Black arrows (▶) indicate the five Erwinia phages in this study. Black letters next to genus indicate family of the phages (A: Ackermannviridae, M: Myoviridae, C: Chaseviridae, S: Schitoviridae, D: Drexlerviridae, Au: Autographiviridae). The genus of φ27 was identified as Loessnervirus, that of φ31 and φ32 as Alexandravirus, that of φ47 as Eneladusvirus, while that of φ48 was unclassified. (b) Dot plot analysis of the 79 phages with parallel order of phylogeny. (c) Comparative whole genome analysis using progressive Mauve.