Figure 4.
Evolution in the INF-γ production after stimulation of blood with bovine PPD according to each experimental group. AdultsV: vaccinated at more than 1.5 years; AdultsNV: not vaccinated at more than 1.5 years; 5 MV: vaccinated at 5 months; 5 MNV: not vaccinated at 5 months; 1.5 MV: vaccinated at 1.5 months; 1.5 MNV: not vaccinated at 1.5 months; mpv: months post vaccination; * significant differences (p < 0.05) among vaccinated and not vaccinated groups. Results were expressed as a quotient between the mean O.D. of the bovine PPD-stimulated plasma and the mean O.D. of the same plasma incubated with PBS.