Inflammatory markers in the CHX-treated mice vs. controls. (a) Increased count of PMNs (shown as % of CD45+ cells) in the CHX-treated mice, both locally in the abdominal wall, liver, and abdominal cavity lavage and systemically in the bloodstream. (b) Gene expression of inflammatory markers SAA1/2, SAA3, and IL-6 in the abdominal wall is increased in the CHX-induced model but did not change regarding the time of the experiment. (c) Immunofluorescent labeling of the abdominal wall for SAA3 (green) and collagen IV (red) in 1-week CHX-treated mice shows positive cells for SAA3 in the tissue. (d) Serum levels of total SAA and SAA3. CHX treatment does not systemically affect the inflammatory markers SAA and SAA3, among others. Legend: CHX: chlorhexidine gluconate, Ctrl: control, PMNs: polymorphonuclear cells, SAA: serum amyloid A.