Table 5.
Extracted geometrical features from ROI images.
No | Feature Name | Feature Definition |
1 | Area [28] | The total area of all extracted regions |
2 | Perimeter area ratio [28] | The ratio between the measure of the length of a shape around the ROI and Area |
3 | Convex Hull [29] | The set of pixels that are included in convex polygon that is smallest surrounding white pixels |
4 | Solidity [30] | Contrasting object areas compared to its Convex Hull by utilizing the pixels that make up the Convex Hull. |
5 | Circularity [31] | The measurement of the roundness of the ROI |
6 | Equivalent diameter [32] | This is the diameter of a circle that has the same perimeter as the ROI region. |
7 | Extent | The area of the ROI divided by the Area of Convex hull |
8 | FilledArea | The total area measurement of only the ROI regions |
9 | Major axis length [27] | The longest length of the ROI object |
10 | Minor axis length [27] | The smallest width of the ROI object |
11 | Mean [33] | The sum of all pixels divided by the total pixel number |
12 | Standard Deviation [34] | The measurement of dispersion in the grey intensity level of the image |
13 | Shannon entropy [35] | The quantity of information present in the ROI images |
14 | Gray level co-occurrence matrix [36] | The textural information of the ROI regions |
15 | Skewness [37] | The measure of symmetry in the pixel’s distribution in the image |
16 | Kurtosis [38] | The density of the pixel’s distribution |