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. 2022 Nov 10;14(22):5528. doi: 10.3390/cancers14225528

Table 2.

O-RADS MRI Risk Stratification and Management System.

O-RADS MRI Score Risk Category Positive Predictive Value for Malignancy Lexicon Description
0 Incomplete evaluation N/A N/A
1 Normal ovaries N/A No ovarian lesion
Follicle defined as simple cyst ≤ 3 cm in a premenopausal woman
Hemorrhagic cyst ≤ 3 cm in a premenopausal woman
Corpus luteum +/− hemorrhage ≤ 3 cm in a premenopausal woman
2 Almost certainly benign <0.5% Cyst: Unilocular- any type of fluid content
- No wall enhancement
- No enhancing solid tissue *
Cyst: Unilocular–simple or endometriotic fluid content
-Smooth enhancing wall
-No enhancing solid tissue
Lesion with lipid content **
- No enhancing solid tissue
Lesion with solid tissue showing dark signal on T2/DWI
-Homogeneously hypointense on T2 and DWI
Dilated fallopian tube-simple fluid content
- Thin, smooth wall/endosalpingeal folds with enhancement
- No enhancing solid tissue
Para-ovarian cyst–any type of fluid
- Thin, smooth wall +/− enhancement
- No enhancing solid tissue
3 Low risk ~5% Cyst: Unilocular–proteinaceous, hemorrhagic or mucinous fluid content
- Smooth enhancing wall
- No enhancing solid tissue
Cyst: Multilocular-Any type of fluid, no lipid content
- Smooth septae and wall with enhancement-No enhancing solid tissue
Lesion with solid tissue (excluding T2 dark/DWI dark)
- Low risk time intensity curve on DCE MRI
Dilated fallopian tube
- Non-simple fluid: Thin wall/folds
- Simple fluid: Thick, smooth wall/folds
- No enhancing solid tissue
4 Intermediate risk ~50% Lesion with solid tissue (excluding T2 dark/DWI dark)
- Intermediate risk time intensity curve on DCE MRI
- If DCE MRI is not feasible, score 4 is any lesion with solid tissue (excluding T2 dark/DWI dark) that is enhancing ≤ myometrium at 30–40 s on non-DCE MRI
Lesion with lipid content
- Large volume enhancing solid tissue
5 High risk ~90% Lesion with solid tissue (excluding T2 dark/DWI dark)
- High risk time intensity curve on DCE MRI
- If DCE MRI is not feasible, score 5 is any lesion with solid tissue (excluding T2 dark/DWI dark) that is enhancing > myometrium at 30–40 s on non-DCE MRI
Peritoneal, mesenteric or omental nodularity or irregular thickening with or without ascites

* Solid tissue: a lesion component that enhance and conforms to one of the following morphologies: mural nodule, papillary projection, irregular wall/septation or other larger solid portions. ** Minimal enhancement of Rokitansky nodules in lesion containing lipid does not change to O-RADS MRI 4 DCE = dynamic contrast enhancement with a time resolution of 15 s or less, DWI = diffusion weighted images, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging, N/A = not applicable.