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. 2022 Nov 12;14(22):5562. doi: 10.3390/cancers14225562

Table 1.

Basic Characteristics of the Study Cohort.

Features Overall
n = 3714
Training Set a
n = 2280
Testing Set b
n = 1434
Male, N (%) 2136 (57.5) 1258 (55.2) 878 (61.2)
Age, Mean (SD), yrs. 68.0 (13.7) 67.9 (13.8) 68.0 (13.4)
BMI, Mean (SD), kg/m2 23.4 (4.33) 23.4 (3.93) 23.4 (4.81)
Smoking, N (%)
No 1170 (31.5) 710 (31.1) 460 (32.1)
Yes 993 (26.7) 523 (22.9) 470 (32.8)
Unknown 1551 (41.8) 1047 (45.9) 504 (35.1)
Drinking, N (%)
No 1750 (47.1) 983 (43.1) 767 (53.5)
Yes 408 (11.0) 247 (10.8) 161 (11.2)
Unknown 1556 (41.9) 1050 (46.1) 506 (35.3)
Tumor size, cm
Mean (SD) 4.23 (2.45) 4.11 (2.39) 4.46 (2.55)
Median [IQR] 3.8 [2.4–5.5] 3.6 [2.3–5.5] 4.0 [2.5–5.7]
Cancer stage, N (%)
0 11 (0.3) 10 (0.4) 1 (0.1)
I 533 (14.4) 348 (15.3) 185 (12.9)
II 139 (3.7) 88 (3.9) 51 (3.6)
III 527 (14.1) 330 (14.5) 197 (13.7)
IV 2034 (54.8) 1207 (52.9) 827 (57.7)
Missing 470 (12.7) 297 (13.0) 173 (12.1)
Genomic Test
ALK, N (%)
Negative 681 (18.3) 457 (20.0) 224 (15.6)
Positive 39 (1.1) 21 (0.9) 18 (1.3)
Unknown 2994 (80.6) 1802 (79.0) 1192 (83.1)
EGFR, N (%)
Negative 842 (22.7) 473 (20.7) 369 (25.7)
Positive 787 (21.2) 467 (20.5) 320 (22.3)
Unknown 2085 (56.1) 1340 (58.8) 745 (52.0)
KRAS, N (%)
Negative 45 (1.2) 32 (1.4) 13 (0.9)
Positive 5 (0.1) 2 (0.1) 3 (0.2)
Unknown 3664 (98.7) 2246 (98.5) 1418 (98.9)
PDL1, N (%)
Negative 269 (7.2) 149 (6.5) 120 (8.4)
Positive 66 (1.8) 42 (1.8) 24 (1.7)
Unknown 3379 (91.0) 2089 (91.6) 1290 (90.0)
ROS1, N (%)
Negative 288 (7.8) 287 (12.6) 1 (0.1)
Positive 29 (0.8) 27 (1.2) 2 (0.1)
Unknown 3397 (91.4) 1966 (86.2) 1431 (99.8)
Comorbidity, N (%)
CVD problems 432 (11.6) 296 (13.0) 136 (9.5)
Dementia 124 (3.3) 71 (3.1) 53 (3.7)
COPD 599 (16.1) 391 (17.1) 208 (14.5)
Rheumatic disease 28 (0.75) 16 (0.7) 12 (0.8)
PUD 365 (9.8) 246 (10.8) 119 (8.3)
Renal disease 128 (3.4) 92 (4.0) 31 (2.2)
Liver disease 211 (5.7) 147 (6.4) 64 (4.5)
DM 372 (10.0) 248 (10.9) 124 (8.6)
Anemia 107 (2.9) 76 (3.3) 31 (2.2)
Depression 245 (6.6) 175 (7.7) 70 (4.9)
Hyperlipidemia 516 (13.9) 385 (16.9) 131 (9.1)
Hypertension 736 (19.8) 503 (22.1) 233 (16.2)
Parkinson’s disease 50 (1.3) 29 (1.3) 21 (1.5)
Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI)
Mean (SD) 3.08 (2.07) 3.13 (2.19) 2.97 (1.86)
Median [IQR] 3.0 [2.0–4.0] 3.0 [2.0–4.0] 3.0 [2.0–4.0]
Follow-up, yrs.
Mean (SD) 2.25 (2.47) 2.44 (2.61) 1.96 (2.19)
Median [IQR] 1.41 [0.46–3.04] 1.51 [0.53–3.36] 1.24 [0.38–2.64]
Medications, N (%)
Alimentary tract and metabolism 591 (15.9) 394 (17.3) 197 (14.7)
Blood and blood-forming organs 446 (12.0) 293 (12.9) 153 (11.3)
Cardiovascular system 675 (18.2) 448 (19.6) 227 (16.9)
Genitourinary system and hormones 132 (3.6) 74 (3.2) 58 (4.3)
Musculoskeletal system 252 (6.8) 141 (6.2) 111 (8.3)
Nervous system 391 (10.5) 254 (11.1) 137 (10.2)
Respiratory system 319 (8.6) 226 (9.9) 93 (6.9)
Laboratory Test, Mean (SD)
Basophil 0.50 (0.40) 0.53 (0.42) 0.48 (0.39)
BUN 19.4 (14.9) 18.8 (13.1) 20.5 (17.6)
Creatinine 1.05 (0.98) 1.02 (0.90) 1.10 (1.07)
Eosinophil 1.89 (2.31) 2.03 (2.59) 1.76 (1.97)
HCT 38.3 (5.69) 38.5 (5.61) 37.9 (5.80)
HGB 12.9 (1.97) 13.0 (1.91) 12.7 (2.05)
K 3.99 (0.56) 4.02 (0.53) 3.95 (0.60)
Lymphocyte 18.7 (9.98) 19.6 (9.55) 17.8 (10.3)
MCH 29.9 (3.02) 29.9 (3.03) 29.8 (3.00)
MCHC 33.6 (0.95) 33.7 (0.96) 33.6 (0.94)
MCV 88.6 (7.61) 88.5 (7.64) 88.7 (7.57)
Monocyte 7.45 (2.90) 7.42 (2.93) 7.48 (2.87)
Na 137 (4.46) 137 (4.39) 137 (4.53)
Neutrophil 71.3 (11.9) 70.2 (11.4) 72.3 (12.2)
PLT 263 (109) 258 (100) 269 (121)
RBC 4.35 (0.68) 4.38 (0.67) 4.29 (0.69)
WBC 9.72 (5.38) 9.16 (4.16) 10.6 (6.80)

Note: SD, Standard deviation; yrs., Years; IQR, Interquartile Range; BMI, Body mass index; COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PUD, Peptic ulcer disease; CVD, Cardiovascular; DM, Diabetes; BUN, Blood urea nitrogen; HCT, Hematocrit; HGB, Hemoglobin; K, Potassium; MCH, Mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC, Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; MCV, Mean corpuscular volume; Na, Sodium; PLT, Platelet; RBC, Red blood count; WBC, White blood count; a The training set included the data from Taipei Medical University and Wan-Fang hospitals; b The testing set included the data from Shuang Ho hospital.