Figure 7.
Lin28 inhibitors block CSC phenotypes of cancer cells. (A) FACS analysis using CD44 and CD133 antibodies detected CSC cell populations from DUNE or DUNE (KO) cells treated with either vehicle or 20 uM of Ln7, Ln15, and Ln115 for 48 h. (B) DUNE, DUNE (KO), and IGROV1 cell proliferation were measured in the presence of 20 uM of Ln7, Ln15, and Ln115. (C) Colony formation assays (colonies >50 uM were counted) measured the suppressive effects of Ln7, Ln15, and Ln115 at the concentration of 20 uM. p-value ≤ 0.01—(**); ≤0.001—(***).