(A) Chameleon. Kidney. Gout tophi (black arrows) with severe granulomatous inflammatory reaction. HE, Ob. 4. (B) Poultry. Ureter cross section. Ureter ectasia and periuretral heterophillic infiltrate (black arrows). HE, Ob. 4. (C) Human. Severe granulomatous reaction within the joint capsule. Necrotic foci surrounded by multinucleated foreign body type cells (black arrows). Ob. 10. (D) Snake. Heart—cross section at the base of heart with several granulomatous foci involving the vascular wall (black arrows), HE Ob. 2. (E) Snake. Heart—Similar cross section–granulomatous foci (black arrows), Von Kossa Ob. 4. (F) Poultry. Ureter cross section. Diffuse negative content with discrete black Von Kossa positive material (black arrows). Von Kossa, Ob. 4. (G) Human. Joint capsule cross section. Von Kossa. Ob. 4. (H) Snake. Heart—Similar cross section–granulomatous foci (black arrows), Gomori Ob. 4. (I) Chameleon. Native smear from cloaca content. Different sized black crystals in light microscopy. Ob. 4. (J) Poultry. Native smear from ureter, polarized light, Ob. 10. (K) Chameleon. Native smear from ureter content, crystals in polarized light–(red arrows). Ob. 10. (L) Human. Native smear from joint content. Crystals in polarized light (yellow arrows). Ob. 4. C.