Table 2.
Authors | Country | Imaging Modality |
Patient Number |
Study Model | AI System |
Validation | Main Theme | Strengths | Weakness |
Nasrullah et al. [48] | China | LDCT | LIDC-IDRI dataset | Retrospective | Two deep 3D customized mixed link network architectures for lung nodule detection and classification | LIDC-IDRI and LUNA 16 dataset | Lung nodule detection and classification | The system achieved promising results in the form of sensitivity (94%) and specificity (91%) | Validation only in pre-clinical settings |
Kopelowitz et al. [49] | U.K. | CT | LUNA 16 dataset | Retrospective | Modified MaskRCNN to handle 3D images | LUNA 16 dataset | Lung nodule detection and segmentation | All-in-one system for detection and segmentation | Validation only on the LUNA 16 dataset |
Ding et al. [50] | China | CT | LUNA16 dataset | retrospective | Faster R-CNN for detection and three-dimensional DCNN for the subsequent false positive reduction | LUNA16 dataset | Lung nodule detection | Good detection performance on nodule detection ranking the 1st place of Nodule Detection Track (NDET) in 2017 | Needs validation on bigger datasets |
Khosravan et al. [51] |
U.S.A. | CT | LUNA16 dataset | retrospective | 3D densely connected CNN |
LUNA16 dataset | Lung nodule detection | single-shot single-scale fast lung nodule detection algorithm without the need for additional FP removal |
Validation only on the LUNA 16 dataset |
Tran et al. [55] | Vietnam, France | CT | LUNA16 dataset | retrospective | 15-layer 2D deep CNN architecture (LdcNet) | LUNA16 dataset | automatic feature extraction and classification of pulmonary candidates as nodule or non-nodule | High-quality classifier with an accuracy of 97.2%, sensitivity of 96.0%, and specificity of 97.3%. | Only validated in one preclinical dataset |
Wu et al. [56] | China, U.S.A., Australia, U.K., Germany | CT | LIDC-IDRI dataset | Retrospective | 50-layer deep residual network | LIDC-IDRI dataset | Lung nodule classification | The lung nodule image can be used as the input data of the network directly, avoiding complicated feature extraction and selection. | Long training time is needed when dealing with a large number of lung CT images |
Mastouri et al. [57] | Tunisia | CT | LUNA16 dataset | Retrospective | Three bilinear-CNN followed by a linear SVM classifier | LUNA16 dataset | Lung nodule classification | The system was validated on the LUNA16 dataset and compared to the outcomes of conventional CNN-based architectures showing promising and satisfying results | The bilinear pooling requires massive calculation and storage costs, making this algorithm impractical |
Al-Shabi et al. [58] | Malaysia, Singapore, U.S.A. | CT | LIDC-IDRI dataset | Retrospective | Gated Dilated(GD) network | LIDC-IDRI dataset | Classification of pulmonary nodules as benign or malignant | Better discrimination whether benign or malignant for mid-sized nodules | Requires an object detector model to identify the nodule locations before classifying them as benign/malignant |
Liu et al. [59] | China, U.S.A. | CT | LIDC-IDRI dataset | Retrospective | multi-model ensemble learning architecture based on 3D convolutional neural network (MMEL-3DCNN) | LIDC-IDRI dataset | Benign/malignant lung nodule classification | Image enhancement on the input data to improve the contrast of lung nodules with low contrast to surrounding tissues | Validation only in pre-clinical setting |