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. 2022 Oct 31;12(11):2644. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12112644

Table 2.

The table lists the characteristics of different studies aiming at lung nodules screening and classification.

Authors Country Imaging
Study Model AI
Validation Main Theme Strengths Weakness
Nasrullah et al. [48] China LDCT LIDC-IDRI dataset Retrospective Two deep 3D customized mixed link network architectures for lung nodule detection and classification LIDC-IDRI and LUNA 16 dataset Lung nodule detection and classification The system achieved promising results in the form of sensitivity (94%) and specificity (91%) Validation only in pre-clinical settings
Kopelowitz et al. [49] U.K. CT LUNA 16 dataset Retrospective Modified MaskRCNN to handle 3D images LUNA 16 dataset Lung nodule detection and segmentation All-in-one system for detection and segmentation Validation only on the LUNA 16 dataset
Ding et al. [50] China CT LUNA16 dataset retrospective Faster R-CNN for detection and three-dimensional DCNN for the subsequent false positive reduction LUNA16 dataset Lung nodule detection Good detection performance on nodule detection ranking the 1st place of Nodule Detection Track (NDET) in 2017 Needs validation on bigger datasets
et al. [51]
U.S.A. CT LUNA16 dataset retrospective 3D densely connected CNN
LUNA16 dataset Lung nodule detection single-shot single-scale fast lung nodule detection algorithm without the need for additional FP removal
Validation only on the LUNA 16 dataset
Tran et al. [55] Vietnam, France CT LUNA16 dataset retrospective 15-layer 2D deep CNN architecture (LdcNet) LUNA16 dataset automatic feature extraction and classification of pulmonary candidates as nodule or non-nodule High-quality classifier with an accuracy of 97.2%, sensitivity of 96.0%, and specificity of 97.3%. Only validated in one preclinical dataset
Wu et al. [56] China, U.S.A., Australia, U.K., Germany CT LIDC-IDRI dataset Retrospective 50-layer deep residual network LIDC-IDRI dataset Lung nodule classification The lung nodule image can be used as the input data of the network directly, avoiding complicated feature extraction and selection. Long training time is needed when dealing with a large number of lung CT images
Mastouri et al. [57] Tunisia CT LUNA16 dataset Retrospective Three bilinear-CNN followed by a linear SVM classifier LUNA16 dataset Lung nodule classification The system was validated on the LUNA16 dataset and compared to the outcomes of conventional CNN-based architectures showing promising and satisfying results The bilinear pooling requires massive calculation and storage costs, making this algorithm impractical
Al-Shabi et al. [58] Malaysia, Singapore, U.S.A. CT LIDC-IDRI dataset Retrospective Gated Dilated(GD) network LIDC-IDRI dataset Classification of pulmonary nodules as benign or malignant Better discrimination whether benign or malignant for mid-sized nodules Requires an object detector model to identify the nodule locations before classifying them as benign/malignant
Liu et al. [59] China, U.S.A. CT LIDC-IDRI dataset Retrospective multi-model ensemble learning architecture based on 3D convolutional neural network (MMEL-3DCNN) LIDC-IDRI dataset Benign/malignant lung nodule classification Image enhancement on the input data to improve the contrast of lung nodules with low contrast to surrounding tissues Validation only in pre-clinical setting