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. 2022 Oct 31;10(11):2188. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10112188

Table 5.

Summary of related studies for AI application in orthodontics.

AI Application Author, Year (Ref) Architecture Data Modality Dataset Size Split (Train/Val/Test or Train/Test) Study Factor Reference Standard (Ground Truth) Validation Scheme Results (Performance Metrics/Values) Conclusion
Chen et al., 2020 [33] ML-based algorithm based on multisource integration framework CBCT images 36 CBCT images, Train: 30 images, Test: 6 images 30/6 Assess maxillary structure variation NA NA Dice score of maxilla: 0.80 The method is helpful in assessing maxillary structure variation in unilateral canine impaction
Nino-Sandoval et al., 2016 [34] Support Vector Machine (SVM) cephalograms 229 cephalograms Sagittal (skeletal) patterns NA Ten-fold Accuracy: 0.741 The non-parametric method has the potential to classify skeletal patterns using craniomaxillary variables
Yu et al., 2014 [35] Support Vector Regression (SVR) Colored Photographs 108 images Facial attractiveness (most attractive to least attractive) 69 Orthodontists NA Accuracy: 0.718 The model was helpful in finding close correlation with facial attractiveness from orthodontic photographs
Riri et al., 2020 [37] Tree Based Classification Extraoral intraoral and mould images 1207 total images, Extraoral: 325 images, Intraoral: 812 images, Mould: 70 images Facial and skin color features NA NA Accuracy: 0.942, Sensitivity: 0.953, Specificity: 0.996, F1-score: 0.926 The automatic approach was helpful in classification of orthodontic images with encouraging classification performance
Suhail et al., 2020 [38] Random Forest Ensemble Learning Method Patient records (medical charts, x-rays, facial photographs) 287 patient records Decision making for teeth extraction Five experts Five-Fold Accuracy: 0.944 The RF ensemble classifier was helpful in extraction and treatment planning
detection in
Song et al., 2020 [60] Pretrained ResNet-50 using transfer learning X-Ray images 400 cephalograms, Train: 150 images, Testing sets: Test set 1—150 images, Test set 2—100 images Detect cephalometric landmarks Two experienced doctors NA Successful Detection Rate (SDR): Test 1—0.862, Test 2—0.758 The model was able to achieve satisfying SDR in detecting 19 landmarks
Kim et al., 2020 [65] Two stage DNN with stacked hourglass network Dataset 1: 2075 cephalograms, Dataset 2: 400 cephalograms Detect cephalometric landmarks Two experts NA SDR: Test set 1—0.883, Test set 2—0.77 The fully automated cephalometric analysis algorithm and web application help in the diagnosis of anatomic landmarks
Gilmour and Ray, 2020 [66] Pretrained ResNet-50 with foveated pyramid attention algorithm cephalograms 400 cephalograms Detect cephalometric landmarks NA Four-fold SDR: Test set 1—0.883, Test set 2—0.77 The multiresolution approach was useful in learning features across all scales and is promising for large images
Zhong et al., 2019 [67] Attention guided deep regression model through 2 stage U-Net cephalograms 300 cephalograms Train: 150, images Test: 150 images 150/150 Detect cephalometric landmarks Two experienced doctors Four-fold SDR: 86.74% The attention-guided mechanism ensures that smaller searching scopes and high data resolution with minimum information redundancy and the model is generalizable to other landmarks
Park et al., 2019 [61] YOLOv3 cephalograms 1311 cephalograms, Train: 1028 images, Test: 283 images 1028/283 Detect cephalometric landmarks One examiner NA SDR: 0.804 Computational time: 0.05 s The model was effective in identifying 80 landmarks with 5% higher accuracy compared to top benchmarks
Makaremi et al., 2019 [68] Customized CNN cephalograms 1870 cephalograms Cervical vertebra maturation (CVM) degree Experts Three-fold Accuracy: 0.95 The model was helpful in determining the degree of maturation of CVM and has the potential to be implemented in real world scenario
Yu et al., 2020 [69] Modified DenseNet pretrained with ImageNet weights Lateral cephalograms 5890 cephalograms skeletal classification Five orthodontic specialists NA Sagittal Accuracy: 0.957, Vertical Accuracy: 0.964 The model shows potential in skeletal orthodontic diagnosis using lateral cephalograms
Treatment plannimng Lee et al., 2020 [62] Modified AlexNet cephalograms 333 cephalograms, Train: 220 images, Valid: 73 images, Test: 40 images Differential orthodontic diagnosis NA Four-fold Accuracy: 0.919, Sensitivity: 0.852, Specificity: 0.973, AUC: 0.969 The study indicates that the DCNNs-based model can be applied for differential diagnosis in orthodontic surgery
Amasya et al., 2020 [21] ANN cephalograms 647 cephalograms, Train: 498 images, Test: 149 images 498/149 Cervical vertebra maturation degree Two independent observers NA Accuracy: 0.869, Sagittal Sensitivity: 0.935, Vertical Specificity: 0.945 The model was helpful in CVM staging and cervical vertebral morphology classification
Kok et al., 2019 [70] ANN cephalograms 300 cephalograms Cervical vertebrae stages Orthodontists Five-fold AUC: CV1—0.99, CV2—0.96, CV3—0.94, CV4—0.90, CV5—0.91, CV6—0.96 Compared with machine learning algorithms, ANN provides the most stable results with 2.17 average rank on hand-wrist radiographs
Budiman et al., 2013 [22] ANN Orthodontic scans 190 scanned dental casts Shape of arch form Three orthodonotics NA Accuracy: 0.763 ANN has the potential to identify arch forms with encouraging accuracy
Treatment planning and prognosis Choi et al., 2019 [24] ANN cephalogram 316 cephalograms, Train: 136 images, Valid: 68 images, Test: 112 images Surgery type and extraction decision One otthodontist NA Accuracy Surgery decision: 0.96, Surgery type and extraction decision: 0.91 The model was helpful in diagnosing and making surgery type and extraction decision effectively and can be used as auxiliary reference when clinicians make a decision