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. 2022 Nov 8;19(22):14627. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192214627

Table 5.

Comparison of perceived stress and emotion regulation between the two groups at the 8th and 12th week.

Group Variable Baseline–8th Week Baseline–12th Week 8th Week–12th Week
t p t p t p
Fitness dance group (n = 38) CPSS-Tension −2.461 0.019 * −6.151 <0.000 ** −3.882 0.008 **
CPSS-Loss of control −1.868 0.043 * −4.199 0.002 ** −3.395 0.01 *
CPSS −1.065 0.051 −4.478 0.001 ** −3.219 0.012 *
ERQ-Cognitive reappraisal 6.823 <0.000 ** 7.26 <0.000 ** 5.329 0.006 **
ERQ-Expressive suppression −0.504 0.102 −1.19 0.051 −1.69 0.047 *
MBSR group (n = 38) CPSS-Tension −0.892 0.231 −2.081 0.021 * −1.036 0.68
CPSS-Loss of control −5.337 <0.000 ** −6.833 <0.000 ** −5.916 <0.000 **
CPSS −5.05 <0.000 ** −6.27 <0.000 ** −3.785 0.009 **
ERQ-Cognitive reappraisal 5.629 <0.000 ** 5.684 <0.000 ** 4.15 0.002 **
ERQ-Expressive suppression −1.279 0.049 * −1.71 0.047 * −0.029 0.254

* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. t: Variation within group. p: Significance level of samples’ variance between the two groups.