Figure 9.
A Conceptual illustration of a large-scale rapid scanning laser-emission microscopy (LEM) for detecting pre-polyp nuclear abnormality by analyzing FFPE colonic tissues from mice with colon cancer risk. Here, a 10 µM thick FFPE tissue section is sandwiched within a high-Q Fabry-Pérot (FP) cavity. Adapted with permission from 75, Copyright 2019 OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. B and C Schematic illustration of the Indocyanine green (ICG) laser using a high Q-factor optofluidic ring resonator (OFRR), in human serum and whole blood. ICG lasing can only be achieved when ICG binds to serological components such as albumin and lipoprotein. Adapted with permission from 85. Copyright 2016 OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Lasing of biodegradable polymer beads implanted in D bovine cornea, E skin and F blood. Adapted with permission from 86, Copyright 2017 OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. G Conceptual illustration of the experimental configuration of a neuron laser are sandwiched inside an Fabry-Pérot (FP) cavity formed by two highly reflective mirrors to record the neuron activities with laser emission. Adapted with permission from 107, Copyright 2020 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.