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. 2022 Nov 10;13:986389. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.986389


Binary logistic regression analysis of related factors of depressive symptoms.

Variables B SE Wald P-value OR 95% CI
Gender Male
Female 0.317 0.048 43.539 4.155E-11 1.373 1.250–1.509
Location of residential address Main city zone 13.763 0.008
Combination-zone (urban-rural) 0.023 0.124 0.036 0.850 1.024 0.803–1.306
Town/city-center 0.053 0.122 0.190 0.663 1.055 0.830–1.341
ZhenXiang area 0.078 0.133 0.348 0.555 1.081 0.834–1.403
Village –0.168 0.068 6.019 0.014 0.845 0.739–0.967
Changes in health status following last interview Better 9.837 0.007
About the same 0.036 0.079 0.212 0.645 1.037 0.889–1.210
Worse 0.189 0.083 5.174 0.023 1.208 1.027–1.422
Physical disabilities No
Yes 0.205 0.086 5.656 0.017 1.228 1.037–1.454
Chronic pain Yes
No –0.623 0.075 69.833 6.453E-17 0.536 0.464–0.621
Childhood health status Excellent 21.085 3.046E-04
Very good –0.162 0.082 3.921 0.048 0.851 0.725–0.998
Good –0.345 0.089 14.878 1.147E-04 0.709 0.595–0.844
Fair –0.290 0.087 11.052 0.001 0.748 0.631–0.888
Poor –0.088 0.125 0.492 0.483 0.916 0.717–1.171
ADL NFI group 28.206 7.502E-07
MFI group 0.261 0.057 21.228 4.077E-06 1.298 1.162–1.451
FI group 0.410 0.111 13.580 2.286E-04 1.507 1.212–1.875
Social activity Yes
No 0.373 0.047 61.846 3.715E-15 1.452 1.323–1.593
Age group × Chronic pain –0.405 0.052 60.268 8.277E-15 0.667 0.602–0.739
Constant 2.249 0.138 265.396 1.144E-59 9.474