Table 1.
SCR* | Journals | Articles n (%) |
No of citations | IF (2020)† | Geographical region of journal |
1st | Journal of Palliative Medicine | 1236 (6.4) | 24462 | 2.085 | North America |
2nd | Journal of Pain And Symptom Management | 931 (4.8) | 22931 | 3.077 | North America |
3rd | Palliative Medicine | 759 (4.0) | 22340 | 3.739 | Europe |
4th | American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine | 746 (3.9) | 9383 | 1.638 | North America |
5th | BMC Palliative Care | 509 (2.7) | 6151 | 2.015 | Europe |
6th | International Journal of Palliative Nursing | 433(2.3) | 4024 | NA | Europe |
7th | Supportive Care in Cancer | 394 (2.1) | 7819 | 2.635 | Europe |
8th | Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing | 346 (1.8) | 3600 | 0.877 | North America |
9th | Journal of Palliative Care | 291 (1.5) | 4834 | 1.200 | North America |
10th | Palliative and Supportive Care | 294 (1.5) | 3983 | 1.968 | Europe |
11th | BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care | 237 (1.2) | 2422 | 2.681 | Europe |
12th | Indian Journal of Palliative Care | 216 (1.1) | 1449 | NA | India |
13th | Progress in Palliative Care | 158 (0.8) | 680 | 0.880 | Europe |
14th | Journal of Clinical Oncology | 145 (0.7) | 8955 | 32.956 | North America |
15th | PLOS One | 123 (0.6) | 2272 | 2.740 | North America |
*Equal journals have the same ranking number and then the gap is left in the ranking numbers.
†IF was reported according to ISI JCR 2020.
IF, impact factor; JCR, journal citation report; NA, not available; SCR, standard competition ranking.;