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Table 5. Improvements in physician assessed congestive symptoms and signs and patient self-assessed global clinical status after 4-day of treatment.

Tolvaptan (N = 46) Placebo (N = 45) p value*
Physician assessed heart failure symptoms and signs
 Jugular venous distension 14 (30.4%) 11 (24.4%) 0.6398
 Lower limb edema 31 (67.4%) 26 (57.8%) 0.3905
 Pulmonary congestion 22 (47.8%) 19 (42.2%) 0.6751
 Pulmonary rales 17 (37.0%) 14 (31.1%) 0.6595
 Physician assessed dyspnea 34 (73.9%) 30 (66.7%) 0.2087
Patient self-assessed heart failure symptoms
 Mean change of global clinical status score form baseline# 18.26 ± 23.89 23.32 ± 25.42 0.3565
 Patient self-assessed dyspnea 41 (89.1%) 36 (80.0%) 0.7717

* The distribution of congestive symptoms severity grading at baseline and at the end of study, and corresponding changes from baseline were determined and compared between the two groups by proportional odds model. # Global clinical status score was based on a visual analog scale.