The activity and expression of alcohol- and RSV-metabolising enzymes in different treatments. (A) Main metabolic enzymes in the alcohol metabolic pathway. (B) Main metabolic enzymes in the RSV metabolic pathway. (C) Typical multiple-reaction monitoring chromatograms of blank liver microsomes (a), chlorazoxazone (b), 6-hydroxy-chlorazoxazone (c) and IS (d). (D) Metabolism enzyme expressions of RSV and alcohol in ALD mice compared with normal mice. (E) Comparison of metabolism enzyme activities of alcohol among vehicle, ALD, and RSV-alcohol co-administration mice. (F) Metabolism enzyme expressions of resveratrol and alcohol in RSV-alcohol and RSV-water treatment mice compared with ALD mice. (G) Comparison of RSV drug enzyme activities between the RSV-water and RSV-alcohol treatment. * p < 0.05; *** p < 0.001; ns, no significant.