Table 5.
Search strategy. All search queries used for our searches. Cutane* covers all words that start with “cutane” e.g., cutaneous, and cutaneously. The latest search was performed 10 June 2022.
Search | Query | Hits |
1 | (BMS-833923 OR XL-139) OR (“CUR 61414”) OR (Itraconazole) OR (LEQ506) OR (Patidegib OR Saridegib OR IPI-926) OR (Sonidegib OR Erismodegib OR LDE225) OR TAK-441 OR (Vismodegib OR GDC-0449 OR HhAntag691) OR (“Vitamin D3” OR Cholecalciferol OR Calcitriol) | 52,838 |
2 | #1 AND (“basal cell carcinoma” OR BCC OR (“Skin/abnormalities” [Mesh] OR “Skin/adverse effects” [Mesh] OR “Skin/cytology” [Mesh] OR “Skin/drug effects” [Mesh] OR “Skin/organization and administration” [Mesh] OR “Skin/pharmacology” [Mesh] OR “Skin/surgery” [Mesh] OR “Skin/therapeutic use” [Mesh] OR “Skin/therapy” [Mesh])) | 1115 |
3 | #2 AND (topical OR “Administration, Topical” [Mesh] OR cutane* OR “transdermal”) | 287 |
Search | Query | Hits |
1 | Condition or disease: BCC OR basal cell carcinoma Other terms: (BMS-833923 OR XL-139) OR (“CUR 61414”) OR (Itraconazole) OR (LEQ506) OR (Patidegib OR Saridegib OR IPI-926) OR (Sonidegib OR Erismodegib OR LDE225) OR TAK-441 OR (Vismodegib OR GDC-0449) OR (“Vitamin D3” OR Cholecalciferol OR Calcitriol) |
57 |